Virtual assistant for health and wellness industry

Are you a fitness & health coach? A virtual assistant for health coaches can be an absolute game changer

You’re playing a pivotal role in one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. In fact, the global fitness industry is expanding at an exponential rate – more than 170% growth year on year!

As a fitness coach, you’re assured of 3 things:

  • Your client base is growing faster than you can service it.
  • You need to stand out from the crowd, or risk getting outsmarted by your competitors.
  • To do this, you’ll need more time and skill than ever before.

Now, more than ever, people are focusing on personal wellness. They’re prioritizing health and a better lifestyle – but the days of just randomly ‘going to the gym’ are gone. In a world where identity-driven marketing and service has become the norm, personal training is not just the domain of the wealthy anymore. It’s fast becoming the preferred way of ensuring that those workout and nutrition goals are met.

Do you want to be relevant in a fast-changing fitness coaching landscape? Then engaging the services of a virtual assistant for fitness coaches might just be the smartest move you could make.

Here’s why.

You Need More Available Time To Build Your Health Coaching Business

As your business increases in size, something else happens – you quickly start running out of time. If you’re offering hands-on fitness training, you’re limited by the number of clients you can fit into a typical day. Add commuting, communicating, cancellations, and queries, and it can quickly become a scheduling nightmare.

Now, from a purely business perspective, there are essentially only 3 ways you can increase your profits and expand your fitness training business:

  • Take on more clients (if you can fit them in!).
  • Scale your offering by presenting online training to larger groups, or automate your offering by creating videos, apps, etc.
  • Increase your pricing.

All of these are feasible, although some have drawbacks. For example, if you charge too high, you may price yourself out of the market or lose customers to other fitness coaches who are prepared to charge less for the same service.

In theory, though, it’s simple: you want to offer a great service at a reasonable price and make it available to as many people as possible. Sound good? Of course it does.

That said, you’ll need to master a list of skills – and invest a lot of time – in order to make it happen. Or, you could consider hiring a virtual assistant for health coaches to help you.

You Need More Available Skill To Build Your Health Coaching Business

Here are just some of the tasks you need to take care of outside of the gym or studio:

  • Manage memberships, update profiles, and track progress
  • Upload or distribute workout programs
  • Answer new inquiries, arrange try-outs, and sign up new clients
  • Organize before and after pictures, testimonials, and referrals
  • Set up a newsletter or periodic mails to clients and prospects
  • Follow up no-shows and obtain client feedback
  • Invoice clients and monitor payments
  • Manage and drive your social media across different channels
  • Do PR work that’ll get you onto shows, TV, and podcasts
  • Constantly create decent graphic design and photos – you’re in a highly visual business

So, if you’re doing all of that, how are you going to find time to do what you love? These tasks are business basics, and if you’re not doing them, rest assured, your competitors are.

You need a team. You need help.

And once you reach that point, it’s easy to see how a virtual assistant for fitness coaches can free up huge amounts of time and energy for you.

3 Ways A Virtual Assistant for Health Coaches Can Help You

Fitness & health coaching is an intensely personal engagement. Your clients are trusting you with their insecurities and hangups, their progress, their physical health. At the same time, it’s a career that is rapidly becoming more professional – and commercialized.

What does that mean? Simply that you, as a fitness coach, are a brand. And brands are evaluated by buyers based on the perceived value. If you’re a one-person show and prefer to continue eking out an existence serving a handful of faithful regulars each week, that’s okay. But if you have dreams of turning your gig into a prosperous business, a business that will one day fund a better life for you and demand less of your time, then it makes sense to think about levelling up your personal brand.

One of the best ways to leverage your time, and get more done, is to have someone help you with the laundry list of tasks that can be incredibly frustrating to maintain.

Apart from the obvious benefit of taking over those necessary tasks and managing them well, here are 3 other powerful ways in which a virtual assistant for fitness coaches can transform your life:

Presenting A More Professional Business Image To Your Clients

There’s a massive difference between “I’ll call you to set up the appointment” and “my scheduling assistant will call you to set up the appointment”. In the eyes of clients, it immediately establishes you as someone who is a leader, an entrepreneur, an astute manager of your time and resources. They’ll regard you with more respect – and be willing to pay you more.

Preserving and Building Client Relationships

The scenario: a client is behind on payments, and you need to call in the arrears. The challenge is real, because you may have cultivated a healthy professional relationship that could easily be damaged over a missed invoice or miscommunication. Workouts suddenly become awkward; the magic is lost.

In comparison, if your assistant deals with communications, payments, and administration, you’re off the hook – and the issue gets sorted out. Lawyers do it. Your chiropractor does it.

Shouldn’t you do it, too?

Having a virtual assistant for fitness coaches on your team is a really effective way to build solid client relationships while your VA looks after the admin.

Freeing Up Your Time

Imagine, for a second, what you could accomplish if you had an extra two hours – or four hours! – available every day. Time that is yours. Time not spent just trying to keep up.

A good virtual assistant for health coaches is more than somebody who just performs a list of tasks on your behalf and makes your social media look fantastic. You’re teaming up with someone who is helping you create new opportunities – while giving you the time and focus to actually turn those opportunities into a reality.

Business wisdom says that you either own your business, or it owns you. You’re either working in your business, or on your business, and being able to choose the better option immediately puts you ahead of your competitors. You already know you can outwork them; now is the time to outsmart them.

Make The Call that Will Level Up Your Health Coaching Business

At MYVA360, we only employ trained and qualified virtual assistants who understand the needs of your business, and who skilfully adapt and learn as they progress. We offer a free trial, and we carefully match our VAs to each client to ensure compatibility and client satisfaction.

Want to find out more?

Book a discovery call with us today – and discover just how affordable and practical it is to hire a qualified virtual assistant for health coaches.

How much money can you make as a virtual assistant?

Income varies dramatically based on skills and services offered. Since you're technically a business owner if you become a virtual assistant, you're in charge of setting rates on your own. However, VAs report earning an average of $19.46 per hour. And entry level VAs may expect to earn about $15 per hour.

Why do you need a healthcare virtual assistant?

A medical virtual assistant can answer your phones just as if you had a receptionist in your building. Your VA can resolve issues, take messages for you to respond to later, and transfer just the urgent cals to you. The same virtual assistant can work on other tasks while waiting for calls to come in.

What qualifications do you need to be a virtual assistant?

Top Virtual Assistant Skills.
Communication Skills. A good virtual assistant will have exceptional communication skills regardless of whether they have years of experience or not. ... .
Project Management. ... .
Time Management. ... .
IT Skills. ... .
Excellent Attention to Detail. ... .
Good Decision Making. ... .
A Love for Learning. ... .
Social Media Management..

Is there a demand for virtual assistants?

Virtual assistant services are in high demand nowadays. This is because businesses are more comfortable outsourcing, and workers prefer working remotely from the comfort of their own homes. Virtual services save business owners a lot of money. As a business owner, you don't have to rent an office.

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