We re no strangers to love lyrics

Surely, by now you’ve been Rick Roll’d?! And surely, by now you’ve wanted to sing along with the Rick Roll lyrics? Well, now you can sing along with Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” while you’re being RickRoll’d. And if you want to Rick Roll someone with the lyrics so they can sing along (and truly never get the song out of their head), you can send them here! Ha, they’ll hate you forever. And yet, they won’t be able to get the tune or the lyrics out of their head. Muahahaha…Get Rick Roll’d all over again…and sing along with the Rick Roll lyrics…

Rick Roll Lyrics – Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley

We’re no strangers to love,
You know the rules and so do I.
A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of,
You wouldnt get this from any other guy.

I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling,
Gotta make you understand…

Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you down,
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry,
Never gonna say goodbye,
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

We’ve known each other for so long
Your heart’s been aching
But you’re too shy to say it.
Inside we both know what’s been going on,
We know the game and we’re gonna play it.

Annnnnd if you ask me how I’m feeling,
Don’t tell me you’re too blind to see…

Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you down,
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry,
Never gonna say goodbye,
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you down,
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry,
Never gonna say goodbye,
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

Give you up. give you up.
Give you up, give you up.
Never gonna give
Never gonna give, give you up.
Never gonna give
Never gonna give, give you up.

We’ve known each other for so long
Your heart’s been aching
But you’re too shy to say it.
Inside we both know what’s been going on,
We know the game and we’re gonna play it.

I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling,
Gotta make you understand…

Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you down,
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry,
Never gonna say goodbye,
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you down,
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry,
Never gonna say goodbye,
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you down,
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry,
Never gonna say goodbye,
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

Previous comments:

51 Responses to “Rick Roll Lyrics (Never Gonna Give You Up Lyrics, Rick Astley)”

By brie ferns on Jun 15, 2008 | Reply

By Glyfen on Jul 12, 2008 | Reply
yeah, i was thinking of making a parody off the song, if anyone happens to have a non-vocal version (without the lyrics, for you slow people), i’d be eternally gratefull if soemone could provide me a link or something of the sort

By wowlikeomg on Sep 20, 2008 | Reply
^^talk about slow people– it’s G-R-E-A-T-F-U-L, not gratefull you reject

By -:-p0wned-:- on Sep 25, 2008 | Reply
^^ and yet another reject… its actually grateful … glyfen was much closer with only one -l- to many

By ^^ on Oct 20, 2008 | Reply
Fail. You spelled “too” wrong.

By Dakota on Nov 3, 2008 | Reply

By Faye on Nov 12, 2008 | Reply
HAHAHA! I love this song! And the video! We’re doing a spoof of it in our IT class. Halfway thru, we’re zombies attacking random people. I get to be the bar tender that turns into a zombie and wreaks havoc on the town! WHOO!

By Jesse on Nov 16, 2008 | Reply
:’( I’ll never give YOU up!

By NarroX on Dec 9, 2008 | Reply
Dude, no. It’s G-R-E-A-Tful… Not G-R-A-T-Eful… Go and learn English before trying to prove someone wrong… Douchebag.

By i dont need a name on Dec 27, 2008 | Reply
Who cares if he/she spelled too wrong. It’s the internet, not a spelling bee. Therefore, it’s not a fail, rather a simple typo. Don’t be calling fails when people make typos because that just makes you look like a complete dumb shit.

By urmegaawesome on Dec 31, 2008 | Reply
“It’s the Internet, not a spelling bee.” I love that.

By Grammar on Jan 4, 2009 | Reply
@ Narrox, no u? >_>

Grateful; warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful.


On topic, song owns.

By XGOS on Jan 12, 2009 | Reply
pron. Chiefly Southern U.S.
Variant of you-all.

Need tah stop puttin so much emphasis on spellin! Who Currrrs?

By fhsrhst on Jan 17, 2009 | Reply
wahtz deez abutt speelin? we haz two? wuht, nekst u humanz veel be one us abutt gramer an kapihtalashun.

Who cares?

By kanis on Feb 14, 2009 | Reply
I totally wasn’t here… Don’t even think of thinking of me being here, cause I wasn’t! What do you mean i am on this page? I have never seen it before.. -.-

By boblabaw on Feb 22, 2009 | Reply
hahaha i think the comments were better than the song! I never knew spelling was so important on comments. Maybe your mad u got rick rolled?? in that case…
Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you down,
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry,
Never gonna say goodbye,
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

(picture me dancing here, im thinking cowboy moves lol )

By shadow on Feb 26, 2009 | Reply
u guys r funy

By I LIEK PYE on Feb 28, 2009 | Reply
hoo giffs a dam abowt spwewling?

By I LIEK PYE on Feb 28, 2009 | Reply
if u care about spelling then google doesn’t >.>

By OM NOM on Mar 6, 2009 | Reply
1 4/\/\ 5P4i-74 /\/00|35 4/\/[) `/0|_| (4/\/ 60 [)13 1/\/ 4 |-|0|_3!!!

|<|341 ^_^ By OM NOM on Mar 6, 2009 | Reply /\/00|35!!!! By Taiyaki on Mar 10, 2009 | Reply XP The g-r-e-a-tful v. g-r-a-t-eful issue made me laugh. Proper spelling for the win. Grateful, from the latin gratias, to be thankful. Gratitude. :3 Congratulations. ^^ By Caz on Mar 10, 2009 | Reply Every time I hear this, I want to kill someone. Now I can make my friends suffer any time I want just by singing the song! Thanks, Videosundry! By rick adten on Mar 12, 2009 | Reply you guys are asses By rick asten on Mar 12, 2009 | Reply damn, i spelled my own name wrong By rick asten on Mar 12, 2009 | Reply really? i actually didn’t think it would be used to said “rickroll” people i gotta do a new son now By rick astley on Mar 12, 2009 | Reply are you JOKING? its ASTLEY not asten, but yeah, you took the words RIGHT out of my mouth By theninjacrayden on Mar 25, 2009 | Reply TOO EVERY STUPID PERSON OUT THERE. THE GRATEFUL DEAD PROVED TO US THAT THE WORD IS CORRECTLY SPELT G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L! thank you. By ZZREZZ on Mar 26, 2009 | Reply lol u got him.. By Ricardo Ashton on Apr 3, 2009 | Reply ROFL By kos on Apr 6, 2009 | Reply it’s grateful and you spelled ‘to’ wrong, theninjacrayden By Sprite37 on May 7, 2009 | Reply It’s “grateful” because it’s an anagram of the word “gratitude” which means “thankful”. If it was “greatful” it’d be like “goodful” because great’s another word for good. Now shut up. By deliciouscakeee on May 8, 2009 | Reply Er… I believe it’s actually grateful. It may sound like greatful, meaning someone would be very… glad and what not and feel great, but the word grateful comes from the word gratitude. >o>

My teacher said it and google said it, too.

By billy on Jun 2, 2009 | Reply
Your teacher is nothing.

You are nothing.

I am everything, And you all will bow down to me.

Or else, I will tell my mom.

By Andy on Jun 13, 2009 | Reply

By Squiddeh on Jul 8, 2009 | Reply
Never gonna give you up.. never gonna let you down… WAIT WHAT No i wasnt here… no.. umm erm bye.

By Lucario on Jul 13, 2009 | Reply
wtf ahh neva gonna give u up!

By RandomGuy on Jul 19, 2009 | Reply
I allways get rickrolled

By oneIdiot on Jul 19, 2009 | Reply
just sendme virus

By kcdc on Aug 17, 2009 | Reply

By troll on Aug 25, 2009 | Reply
ima real life rick roll a person =D

By FARTED on Oct 23, 2009 | Reply
FArted knocaaaaaaaaaaaaas pen in my buttwhole and vag in my slipery snake

By Lisa on Jan 22, 2010 | Reply
Wow. GRATEFUL. All of you fail. Except for pOwned.

By lolol on Jan 26, 2010 | Reply
it’s also an instrumental, for you slow people

By ilovePIGGY> on Feb 21, 2010 | Reply
hahahahaha! nice. “kapihtalashun.” haha! and i have been rick roll’d sooooo many times. ugh. but at least it has a catchy tune. lolz.

By isabella on Mar 9, 2010 | Reply
wow guys. you’re all rejects if you’re spending your days looking for spelling errors in comments……

By squiza on Apr 6, 2010 | Reply
what’s that he’s doin’ with his body? LOL

By Daniel on Apr 12, 2010 | Reply
You are obviously one who is not in sync with the internet, probably a student poor in English Language arts. Just because your inability to spell and punctuate correctly hampers you on the internet does not mean that everyone is of the same. It is natural for the intellectual to recognize mistakes in grammar and spelling in the time it takes for you to enunciate the word ‘fly.’
Do we spend our free time looking for spelling errors? No. That is such a common argument from too many of you deficient human beings, attacking people for their own intelligence. Be more creative.

By Daniel on Apr 12, 2010 | Reply
@ isabella

By J on Apr 25, 2010 | Reply
well u can’t prove someone wrong when they are right. It’s GRATEFUL, not greatful. That doesn’t make sense. Grateful means thankful, while greatful means big of something, it’s not even a word.

By J on Apr 25, 2010 | Reply
hehe well i just watched the video and it’s kinda stupid for some person thinking YIPEE IM RIGHT, and they’re all douchebags because they think greatful is spelled grateful. Which is why we need to oppose.

What is Rick Astley's most famous song?

Rick Astley is best known for his string of Top 10 singles in the late 1980s, including the Number 1 smash Never Gonna Give You Up.

Why is the song Never Gonna Give You Up a RickRoll?

Astley's song had become the punchline for an internet meme called “rickrolling” or “rickroll,” named after the singer himself. Rickrolling is a comical and relatively harmless prank that occurs when a link to the song's music video is sent under different pretenses.

What is the meaning of Rick Roll?

On the Internet, a RickRoll is a prank where a visitor who clicks on a specific link is intentionally misdirected to a video of pop star Rick Astley's hit "Never Gonna Give You Up." This was last updated in April 2010.

Why is it called Rick rolling?

Rick rolling started around 2007 on online bulletin boards like 4chan and Reddit, where users would post a link that unexpectedly directed other users to a video of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up". Hence, Rickrolling.

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