What are the chances of getting pregnant during ovulation using pull out method forum


15/01/2015 at 6:05 pm

Ok ladys, i need abit of advice... Im currently 7month pregnant. Before falling pregnant id been having unprotected sex with my partner for about 4 months, every single day,  quit often more than once, never fell pregnant. My partner was convinced his swimmers where no good, as his sperm was very clear and watery.
We went on holiday on the 1st july untill 15th july, to a place where i used to live and during this holiday our sex life was next to none. We had a few times in the beginning amd a few times at the end....
Now no judgment here please, i had a 1 night fling with a guy that i know, no protection but he pulled out on about the 10th...  According to the conception calculator i concived between the 5th and the 12th.
Curious to know what the chances are here, my parnter knows about the fling and we have worked it out, you didnt know the situation so no ****** comments, i just would like to know how many of you got pregnant with the pull out method.
Thanx x

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Emma H(2835)

15/01/2015 at 6:39 pm

Hi Cassie, I've not been in the situation of getting pregnant from the pull out method but do know a few people that have. It's impossible to guess if he made you pregnant or your partner. Are you guys going to do a dna test? x


15/01/2015 at 6:44 pm

My daughter is the result of pull out method. Was only 18 and silly and not wanting to use protection but not wanting to use a condom either! Xxx

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15/01/2015 at 6:48 pm

Well we have used this method successfully for 7 years.


15/01/2015 at 7:02 pm

Who knows.. I think you'll have to do a test?  Best get in touch with Jeremy Kyle!:lol:

Might work for some people but can imagine it depends on the guy a bit!?  I think they can leak some out before they come properly.. plus he might not have pulled out quick enough!?  I've always thought it sounds like a risky method!!

Hope it turns out to be your fella's.


15/01/2015 at 7:03 pm

Problem is, my parnter has since become pretty abusive and threatening (threats of the new baby and over my 3year old) threats to ruin my life have the kids took off me amd much more, not to mention, manipulative and controling. If i leave him, he will do something bad, he is pretty obsessed with me but not in a cute way,
I understand that this could partly be my fault, cause i betrayed his trust. But its to the point where i just cant cope, the stress has had me in an out of hospital. In all honesty, im hoping to god that it isnt my partners baby because then i can leave him.


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Micahela S

15/01/2015 at 7:04 pm

we used te pull out method for over a year and didn't fall pregnant but when were actually trying it took us 18 months to fall pregnant! my friend on the other hand was usuing it 8 months! she has an 8 months olf baby and is 14 weeks pregnant! she concienved according to her app 1 weeks before her period was due! so ther is always a chance x


15/01/2015 at 7:07 pm

Some men are better at it than others. we are both pretty fertile, i fell pregnant with my first in a month, with second and third in 2 months. My husband is very good timing and has worked for us.

when we want to get pregnant we have done fairly easily.


15/01/2015 at 7:10 pm

I was definitely ovulating when i had sex with lets call him Mr X...  I just didn't realise, totally lost track. Im not 100% When i slept with my partner during this time, everthing was so messed up at the time. I just wish i had some way of knowing before DD as Mr X is infact Persian, and i cant deal with all the commotion when the birth of my baby should be a happy day

gosh i feel so anoyed at myself

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15/01/2015 at 7:12 pm

yes my ds2 is a result of this method and I also took the morning after pill



15/01/2015 at 7:14 pm

It is highly possible lol, my periods have been very irregular for about a year and I must have been ovulating when I fell pregnant, we used the pull out method but it was literally within seconds! (Must have been a very good few seconds haha)


15/01/2015 at 7:18 pm

Also might i add....  Sorry for tmi, but Mr X's semen was far from clear and watery like my partners, we read online before that watery could be due to low sperm count you see

Amy G(1069)

15/01/2015 at 7:22 pm

It's entirely possible. All 3 of my children were the result of one session that month (all planned, just only DTD once in that fertile window) so no matter how many times you had sex with your OH v's the one night stand I'd still say it was 50:50 as to who is the father. A DNA test is your only hope of knowing for sure.

BTW I will never understand why on earth anyone calls it the withdrawl 'method'... withdrawl roulette more like.

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Tracey M(721)

15/01/2015 at 7:26 pm

My sister is the result of the pull out method lol x

Tal J

15/01/2015 at 7:27 pm

Problem is, my parnter has since become pretty abusive and threatening (threats of the new baby and over my 3year old) threats to ruin my life have the kids took off me amd much more, not to mention, manipulative and controling. If i leave him, he will do something bad, he is pretty obsessed with me but not in a cute way,
I understand that this could partly be my fault, cause i betrayed his trust. But its to the point where i just cant cope, the stress has had me in an out of hospital. In all honesty, im hoping to god that it isnt my partners baby because then i can leave him.

I don't think it matters whose this baby is right now, you need to leave this situation and get as far away from it as possible. Keep all evidence of all the threats he has made to you if they are by text or whatever. I would phone the police and tell them you want to leave your partner but are concerned for the safety of yourself your child and your unborn child or phone a woman's shelter. xxx

How effective is pulling out while ovulating?

What we do know is that withdrawal works about 78% of the time overall. But the odds of pregnancy are always higher during the 5 days leading up to, and during, ovulation — these are called fertile days. If no semen gets on your vulva or in your vagina, pregnancy can't happen — whether or not you're ovulating.

Can you get pregnant from pull

You still can get pregnant even if your partner pulls out in time. This is because a small amount of pre-ejaculate semen is released before ejaculation. 3 There is sperm in this small amount of semen, which can lead to pregnancy if you are ovulating.

What is the percentage of getting pregnant while pulling out?

Pulling out isn't a very reliable way to prevent pregnancy. It works about 78% of the time, which means that over a year of using this method, 22 out of 100 women -- about 1 in 5 -- would get pregnant. By comparison, male condoms are 98% effective when used correctly every time.


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