What are the coordinates of my location


My Current Location is an online tool that allows you to find information about your current location and to perform many location-related operations.

If you want more information about your current location, you can find your GPS coordinates (the latitude and longitude of where you are) and the postal address at your current location. In fact, you can find the coordinates and street address of any point of a map with a single click.

You can use this tool to perform geocoding and reverse geocoding operations: i.e. to convert addresses into coordinates and to convert coordinates into street addresses.

You can also convert coordinates in the decimal degree format to the degrees minutes seconds format, and inversely so.

One of the nice features of this tool is that you can simultaneously navigate maps of different types and at different zoom levels. This allows you to simultaneously see, for example, a view of a location on a standard map and a zoomed in view of this same location on a satellite map.

You can share your current location, or share any location in the world. This can be useful to organize meetings with people at a specific location, or to simply let people know where you are for security reasons. The default zoomed in satellite map allows you to precisely pinpoint the location that you want to share.

Find out where you are and explore the world!


GPS coordinates are formed by two components that are a latitude , giving the north-south position, and a longitude, giving the east-west position.

Use this map to convert any address in its GPS coordinates. You can also find the location of any GPS coordinates, and geocode its address if available.

Visit the where am I page to get all the details of your current location coordinates.

Latitude definition

The latitude of a point is the measurement of the angle formed by the equatorial plane with the line connecting this point to the center of the Earth.
By construction, it is comprised between -90 ° and 90 °. Negative values ​​are for the southern hemisphere locations, and latitude is worth 0 ° at the equator.

Longitude definition

The principle is the same for the longitude, with the difference that there is no natural reference like the equator for the latitude. Longitude reference has been arbitrarily set at the Greenwich Meridian (it passes through the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich in the suburbs of London), and the longitude of a point is the measurement of the angle formed by the half plane formed by the axis of the earth and passes through the Greenwich meridian and the half-plane formed by the axis of the earth and passing through the point.

A third component

Careful readers would have alreay noticed that a third element is required to locate a point, its altitude. In the most typical use cases, GPS coordinates are needed for locations on the surface of the Earth, making this third parameter less important. However, it is as necessary as the latitude and longitude to define a complete and accurate GPS location.


What3words divided the world into 57 trillion squares, each measuring 3m by 3m (10ft by 10ft) and each having a unique, randomly assigned three-word address. Our coordinates converter helps you convert coordinates to w3w but also what3words to coordinates.

Multiple geodetic systems for geographical coordinates

As we saw, the above definitions take into account several parameters that must be fixed or identified for future reference:
- the equator plane and the model choser for the shape of the earth,
- a set of reference points,
- the position of the center of the Earth,
- the earth axis,
- the reference meridian.
These five criteria are the basis of the different geodetic systems used through history.
Currently, the most commonly used geodetic system is WGS 84 (used notably for GPS coordinates).

GPS coordinates measurement units

The two main units of measurement are the decimal and sexagesimal coordinates.

Decimal coordinates

The latitude and longitude are a decimal number, with the following characteristics:
- latitude between 0° and 90°: Northern hemisphere,
- latitude between 0° and -90°: Southern hemisphere,
- longitude between 0° and 180°: East of the Greenwich meridian,
- longitude between 0° and -180°: West of the Greenwich meridian,

Sexagesimal coordinates

The sexagesimal coordinates have three components: degrees, minutes and seconds. Each of these components is usually an integer, but the seconds can be a decimal number in case of need of a greater precision.
One angle degree includes 60 angle minutes and one angule minute consists of 60 angle seconds of arc.
Unlike decimal coordinates the sexagesimal coordinates can not be negative. In their case, the letter W or E is added to the longitude to specify the position east-west from the Greenwich meridian, and the letter N or S to the latitude to designate the hemisphere (North or South).

Correlation table

Decimal coordinatesSexagesimal coordinates
Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude
0° to 90° 0° to 180° N E
0° to 90° 0° to -180° N W
0° to -90° 0° to 180° S E
0° to -90° 0° to -180° S W

Latitude and longitude finder

On the website homepage, when you enter coordinates in one of the formats (on the left column), they are automatically converted to the other format. Also, when you visualize an address on the map, or after clicking on a point on the map, its coordinates in the two units are displayed in the left column.

How do I find the coordinates of my current location?

Get the coordinates of a place.
On your computer, open Google Maps..
Right-click the place or area on the map. This will open a pop-up window. You can find your latitude and longitude in decimal format at the top..
To copy the coordinates automatically, left click on the latitude and longitude..

How do I get GPS coordinates from Google Maps?

1. Go to maps.google.com. 2. Type out the coordinates into the search bar — using either the degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS) format, the degrees and decimal minutes (DMM) format, or decimal degrees (DD) format — then hit enter or click on the search icon.

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