What can you buy with 8 dollars

Promising review: "Absolutely amazing! They come in three different sizes, so you can conquer any zit, no matter how large or small. They are close to clear, so they blend in well with my skin. I'll put one on a painful, irritated, head-less pimple in the morning, go about my day (no one has called me out for wearing them, which means either they haven't noticed or they're afraid to say anything), and by the evening all the yuck has been sucked out onto the patch. It's disgusting, but SO COOL! When I take the patch off, it looks like the pimple was photoshopped right off my face. ZAP! Leaving the patch on all day also keeps me from picking, which prevents nasty scars and making the zit worse. Seriously, I wish I had these in high school. Buy them for yourself, buy them for the teenagers in your life, buy them for everyone!" —Lindsay & Eddie

Get them from Amazon for $4.70 (for a 24-pack).

I have 8 dollars left on a gift visa card, are there any gems on steam that I can spend this on? Or should I just get rid of this card?

11 years ago

VVVVV is 2 dollars on steam. Its a day sale so you might need to be quick about it.

11 years ago

There is a button that filters all but $5 games or go to the $10 games tab and then cycle down to games that are $7.99 or less.  And the Red Faction games are on sale today.  $4.99 for RF: Guerrilla.  Thief Deadly Shadows, Painkiller Redemption, Freedom Force, etc... you just need to look.

11 years ago

Thief is $5 too. Loved that game at the time.

11 years ago

@Suicidal_SNiper said:
Thief is $5 too. Loved that game at the time.

11 years ago

What do you mean "get rid of the card"...like just throw it out?  Because if that's what you're thinking, you can always just give it to me.

11 years ago

Red Faction Guerilla is 5 bucks on steam today. I bought it cause I don't own it yet although I've played through most of it.

11 years ago

Why would you get rid of a visa gift card that still has money on it?

11 years ago

@Commando: because I'm crazy

 What about freedom force + expansion? I've heard good things about those games.

11 years ago

Get a new game from GOG.

11 years ago

I don't know much about American currency, but I think you can buy a second-hand car with that.

11 years ago

The witcher on gog or tf2 on steam for 10$

11 years ago

alright I'm gonna go with VVVVVV and some cheap throw away game

11 years ago

@LackLuster said:
I have 8 dollars left on a gift visa card, are there any gems on steam that I can spend this on? Or should I just get rid of this card?
You can buy food.... Why throw it away, you could also sell it for 4 bucks.. 

11 years ago

A big city burrito, I just ate one with the works.  7$ and change, they're a like orgasms in your mouth.

11 years ago

Reviews: 89

User Lists: 11

Almost 2 gallons of gas. 

11 years ago

800 rides on a penny horse at kmart, that also has to conveniently accept credit cards o.O

11 years ago

8 one dollar cheese burgers at McDonalds.

11 years ago

@EpicSteve said:
Almost 2 gallons of gas. 
Almost 3 gallons of gas here :P

11 years ago

Like 4 double cheeseburgers at rotten ronnies.

11 years ago

Firstly......are you a cop? Cause you have to tell me if you are..........

11 years ago

There is a daily deal every day, one or two on the weekends, and one during the middle of the week on Steam. Wait for something to pop up that you always wanted to play but never got around to.

11 years ago

Shatter and Critter Crunch are both $8 on PSN. Both are among the best games on PSN. Between the two I would buy Shatter, though

11 years ago

i wouldn't buy a game with that. i would say a #4 at taco bell and a 2 liter soda at a gas station. a #4 is two hard or soft tacos, a mexican pizza, and a large soda.

11 years ago

@Commando said:
Why would you get rid of a visa gift card that still has money on it?
Agreed, you can spend the money on anything.

11 years ago

A Double Quarter Pounder meal is about $7.50.

11 years ago

For $8 you can have one night of passion with a really, really... really ugly prostitute.

 Or you can buy Still Life or Still Life 2 on steam for $7.99 I think. I never played the second one but I really liked the first. Its an adventure game about a detective chasing after a serial killer. In Still Life 2 you play as the Detective AND the latest victim of another serial killer trying to escape his clutches.

 I consider it an under-appreciated gem.

11 years ago

3 gas station hotdogs

11 years ago

8 $1 hookers or 1 $8 hooker

11 years ago

Send me the card, I'll spend it.

11 years ago

I bought Red Faction Guerrilla last night for $5. Use the rest to buy something unhealthy to eat.

11 years ago


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