What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

I’ll frequently lie down for a quick nap on the floor, on the back deck, or even on the grass in the backyard, especially if there’s a bit of sunny warmth to enjoy. Inevitably, one of my two seventy-five pound Golden Retrievers lays down with me, wiggling and squirming and pressing until they are as close to me as they can get. For me, as for any real “dog person”, it’s a nice experience. Many others report  having experienced the closeness of having their dog lie right against them, or perhaps even on top of them, and many report that their dog leans against them frequently.

Why do dogs lie so close to you? What drives them to want to be so close? All these I-want-to-be-close type behaviours can be explained by considering the real nature of our domesticated dogs, and the fact that all canines are pack animals.

Understanding the Canine Pack Instincts

Next time you have the opportunity, watch a litter of newly born puppies. You’ll notice that when they aren’t nursing or crawling around, they will likely be sleeping in a “dog pile” with their littermates. Right from birth, dogs have the instinct to seek and feel comfort and security by being close to their packmates.

The world can be a frightening, unpredictable place, and being part of a pack makes it all a lot easier.

When your dog cuddles up with you, they are acknowledging that you are a member of its pack. It’s a sign of affection, closeness, and connection, and your ‘furkid’ is saying that it feels safe to be with you. It’s a continuation of the bonding process that began when you and your dog first met each other. Your dog is reassured by your presence and it needs constant confirmation that you are there for him. To provide this reassurance and confirmation, allow your dog to remain close beside you for at least a few minutes, as pushing them away could cause your dog to wonder about your role in its life, especially if it happens repeatedly. Being close to you makes them happy, makes them feel safe, and gives them comfort. Never lose sight of the fact that to your dog, you’re not a human, but rather an odd, two legged member of his pack!

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

Are Certain Dog Breeds More Affectionate?

While on the subject of canine affection, we were wondering whether there is any evidence that certain dog breeds show more affection to their humans than others. A search of the internet yielded numerous lists, with titles such as “Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds”, “The 15 Most Affectionate Breeds”, and even “The 25 Dog Breeds Known to Be Affectionate”. This is no means scientific, but we had a bit of fun reviewing about ten such lists, and came up with the “Top Six”. Here they are, and let the arguments begin:

  1. Golden Retriever
  2. Collie
  3. English Bulldog
  4. Labrador Retriever
  5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  6. Bichon Frise

If you have one of these super affectionate doggies in your family, feel free to stroll by and we’d be happy to volunteer some doggy hugs!

Here are the directions to our store.

Happy Dog Cuddles!!

Images by Pete Bellis & Leio McLaren

We all come across some weird dog sleeping positions. The section below describes the various sleeping positions of dogs.

1. The Side Sleeper

The side sleeper is the most popular sleeping position in dogs. In this position, Dogs lie on the side with their legs extended. Dogs feel very safe and comfortable in this position as their vital organs are exposed.


This position means that the dogs are safe, relaxed, and easygoing. It also means that the dogs are in familiar surroundings and are at a comfortable temperature.

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

2. The Superman

This position refers to the dog sleeping on its stomach with front legs stretched forward, and back legs stretched behind. This position is widespread with puppies who are energetic and playful.


Dogs who sleep in this position are tired but ready to play in a blink of an eye. Puppies tend to take a nap during their play session in this position.

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

3. The Lion's Pose

This position is also known as 'the sphinx.' The Lion's pose sleeping position means that your dog sleeps with its head on top of its paws. The dogs can also sleep in this position by tucking their paws and resting their back legs on the side.


This position means that the dog is sleeping but is ready to take off immediately if required. Experts suggest that dogs use this position when they want to sleep but want to be prepared to jump at a moment's notice.

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

4. The Donut

The Donut is possibly one of the cutest dog sleeping positions. The dog sleeps curled up in a ball in this position, with legs held close to its body. At times their nose even touches the back legs, and the tail also curls over the body.


A dog sleeping in this position means protecting themselves from the surroundings and adjusting themselves to the temperatures. This position is common to stray dogs and dogs who are new to their surroundings.

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

5. The Cuddler Bug

The Cuddler bug is the most adorable dog sleeping position. The dog prefers to sleep on top of a person or another dog cuddled up in this position. If you want to cuddle with your dog, this position is for you.


This position is a sign of love, affection, and bonding and that your dog wants to get closer to you or another dog.

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

6. Head and Neck Raised

This position refers to a dog lying with its head and neck raised. Dogs use the side of the bed or cushion for this position.


This position means that the dog might have breathing issues, which allows them to get more air.

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

7. On the Tummy

Dogs sleep on tummy on a cold surface when they tend to feel hot. This position is similar to Lion's pose.


This position means that the dog is feeling hot and adjusting the temperature by sleeping on a cold surface, whether it be a kitchen surface or a pavement.

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

8. On the Back

The back position refers to your dog laying down on its back with its belly up and legs in the air. This position might seem uncomfortable or a funny dog sleeping position, but it is one of the most comfortable position for the dogs.


The dogs sleeping in this position suggest that they trust you and are familiar with the environment. This position also means that dog body heat is more and this position allows maximum air passage to all the body parts.

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

9. Back to Back

This position is similar to the Cuddler position. In this position, the dog places its back against the back of another dog or you.


When a dog sleeps in this position, it means that they are showing love and affection. This position indicates a sense of intimacy in the dog.

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

10. The Burrower

You might have come across dogs snuggled in a piece of cloth, blanket, or pillows. The burrower refers to dogs who get cutely draped in fabric or cushions.


The Burrower Bug position means that dogs are searching for comfort and security.

What does it mean when a dog sleeps on you

How do dogs choose their favorite person?

Dogs choose their favorite people based on positive interactions and socialization they have shared in the past. Like humans, dogs are especially impressionable as their brains develop, so puppies up to 6 months old are in their key socialization period.

Do dogs sleep with their favorite person?

Dogs can have different preferences when it comes to who they choose to sleep with. Some dogs may prefer to sleep with their favorite person, while others may feel more comfortable sleeping on their own or with another dog.

Why does my dog sleep on his back with his legs in the air?

Opposite of the fetal position, on their back with paws in the air says your dog is looking for a little cooling off. "Dogs generally sleep on their back to cool down," says Dr.

Why do dogs sleep in their owners spot?

Seat-Stealing as a Sign of Affection Today, dogs—now fully domestic animals—see their human companions as their safety. Your scent is familiar, so your dog knows instinctively that any place you've been must be familiar and safe, too.