What does it mean when you can unfocus your eyes on command

The voters have decided that mmadalynn is right! Vote on the post to say if you agree or disagree.

I'm pretty sure at least half the people that read this post tried to unfocus their eyes.

By sending signals through the nerves to the eye, we bend the lens to refract light entering the eye, thus creating an unclear image, or a double image. This is the harder way. An easier way is to control each eyeball independently of the other, and point them in directions so that their focal points coincide on thin air.

In a far less scientific description, I noticed that it's just looking at a distant object the way you would look at one close by. Put your hand in front of your face; focus on it. Now, without changing your eyes at all, move your hand. Your desk or your screen or whatever is now blurry! Amazing! #MAGIC

Basically by "focusing" on a point that isn't there, for example "looking through your computer" or looking at the air infront of it

I was literally just doing this today. Focusing from the window to outside back and forth wondering how I was doing it. JUST TODAY. What a weird coincidence.

I'm just setting my render distance to "Tiny".

when I was young I thought it was a magical power that only I had.

Knda like how I am moving my fingers but don't know what is going on... >.>

I can't actually focus and unfocus my eyes on command. (cry2)
I didn't even know people can do that until I read this post.

I called it stuffed-animaling when I was like a toddler because everything looked fuzzy like stuffed animals. I read about it in a book later and I felt special.

What does it mean when you can unfocus your eyes on command

When I read this i did, like I had to prove it to myself when I already knew. Haha














Is it true that only people with ADHD can unfocus their eyes on command???

That’s so weird to me, like I can’t imagine not being able to do that???

Is it?? I’ve been able to do that my whole life.

People without ADHD, can you unfocus your eyes on command????

you… what….

people can’t do that?!?!?!?

excuse me-

I can unfocus my eyes on command,,,,,,

Is,,,, is that not normal????

….that’s not normal?


I thought that was normal..

wel i dunno if i have ADHD (though i suspect) but i can definitely unfocus my eyes! i can also vibrate them

you know i could always unfocus my eyes but my sister didn’t believe me! the detail is very minute, but one iris moves outward. she cannot do it, and i thought it was just something wrong with me but

but this is a sign of adhd??


I can do this……..

Is this another symptom?

This CAN’T be just an ADHD thing.

So, this is a thread of a lot of people not citing anything and spreading a confusing lie. Many people can unfocus their eyes on command, some people just find it easier to do than others. The ability to control the focus in your eyes does not mean you have ADHD.

But! There IS a link between ADHD and eye focus… in the opposite direction. In fact, according to this article:


ADHD might make it HARDER to control the focus of your eyes, rather than it being an ability ONLY people with ADHD have.

Here’s another article between vision problems, a lack of control over being able to focus ones eyes, and ADHD:


I was going to say, because those 3D illusion things are all about unfocusing your eyes.

Have you ever tried to focus your eyes on something very close, only to realize that they won’t stay focused? This happens because our visual system has a limited field of view.

Vision is the ability to see objects clearly from far away or at great distances. The human eye can detect light waves between 400nm (nanometers) and 700nm. In other words, the range of visible wavelengths is 400nm to 700nm.

Our eyes can focus on things that are closer than 2 meters away. If you look at a book, you’ll notice that it appears blurry until you get closer to it. That’s because the distance between your eyes and the page is greater than 2 meters. When you focus on something too close, your brain automatically adjusts the focal length of your eyes.

Why can I unfocus my eyes on command ADHD?

Unfocusing your eyes is a great way to relax and unwind. When you close your eyes, you enter into a state of relaxation where you can focus on nothing else except what you want to do. This helps you to be able to concentrate better when you open your eyes again.

Can everyone unfocus their eyes?

Yes, you can unfocus your eyes by looking at something far away. This technique is called “focusing” your eyes. The trick is to look at something far away from you, such as a building across town or a mountain in the distance. Your brain will automatically focus on what you’re looking at, making it easier for you to read text.

Is it bad to unfocus your eyes?

Unfocusing your eyes for a short time can be beneficial for your health. When you focus your eyes, they become tired and strained. By taking a break from focusing your eyes, you give them a chance to relax and recover. This allows you to see things better when you return to focusing your eyes.

How many people can blur their vision?

The human eye can only focus on one object at a time. If you look at two things simultaneously, they appear blurry. This is called double vision. Most people can’t see anything straight ahead, and only about 20% of people can see things from 10 feet away.

Why am I able to blur my vision?

Blurring your vision is caused by a lack of blood flow to the eye. The best way to prevent this from happening is to drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you feel like you are having trouble seeing clearly, then go to the doctor immediately.

Eyes go out of focus when staring?

When you stare at something for too long, your eyes start to go out of focus. This happens because your brain has to work harder to keep track of what you’re looking at. The longer you look at something, the less sharp your vision becomes.

What percent of the population can unfocus their eyes on command?

The population who can unfocus their eyes at will is between 10% and 15%. This means that about 1 out of 8 people can focus their eyes for a short time. People who cannot unfocus their eyes are called “fixational,” and they usually suffer from eye diseases such as glaucoma.

I can blur my vision whenever I want to, is it normal?

Yes, it is normal for some people to do this. This condition is called astigmatism, which means that the shape of the cornea is different from what it should be. The cause of this condition is unknown, but it may be hereditary. Several types of glasses are available to correct astigmatisms, such as reading glasses, distance lenses, and contact lenses.

What should I do with my ugly eyes I suffer from blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a condition where the eyelids become inflamed and irritated. The leading cause of blepharitis is dry eye syndrome. If you suffer from blepharitis, you need to use artificial tears regularly. It would help to clean your eyelids daily using a cotton ball soaked in saline solution.

Why can I make my eyes shake when I unfocus them?

When you focus your eyes, they contract and pull together, making your eyeballs move closer to each other. This causes your eyes to look smaller and makes your pupils appear larger. When you unfocus your eyes, they relax and spread apart, making your eyeballs move further away from each other. As a result, your eyes appear more prominent, and your pupils become more negligible.

Why is it when I intentionally unfocus my eyes, I feel calm?

When we focus our attention on something, we become aware of it. If we do not concentrate on anything, we cannot be mindful of anything. This means that when we are not focusing our attention on anything, we are not aware of anything. So, when we intentionally unfocus our eyes, we are not mindful of anything. This makes us feel calm.

Why can’t I pass even when only my eyes are showing?

The problem may be caused by dry eye syndrome. This condition causes irritation and discomfort in the eyes. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. They can prescribe medication to treat this condition.

How can I get rid of double vision?

Double vision occurs when both eyes see two images of the same object. An injury often causes double vision to the back of the head (the occipital bone). It can also occur if one eye does not receive enough light. In most cases, double vision goes away within a few days after the injury heals. However, sometimes double vision lasts for weeks or months.

Can I wear contacts without glasses?

Contact lenses are made of plastic material that fits over the eye’s surface. Contact lenses protect against harmful ultraviolet rays while allowing you to see clearly. They improve vision in patients whose natural lens has been removed because of cataracts or other problems.

Is there any way to prevent my eyes from drying out?

Yes, there are many ways to keep your eyes moist. One method is to apply moisturizing drops every hour during waking hours. Another way is to apply warm compresses to your eyes at least once per day. A third option is to use special lubricating ointments. These ointments contain ingredients that help protect the eyes from drying out.

Do I have to sleep with my eyes open?

No. Many people think that sleeping with their eyes closed will help prevent dryness. But, this isn’t true. Sleeping with your eyes open allows more air to enter your eyes than sleeping with your eyes shut. Therefore, sleeping with your eyes available helps reduce dryness.

What should I do if I wake up with dry eyes?

If you wake up with dry eyes, try opening your eyes slowly and blinking several times. Then, gently rub your eyes with clean fingertips. Finally, squeeze some water into your eyes using your fingertips. Do not rub your eyes too much, or you could damage them.

Does wearing sunglasses cause dry eyes?

Wearing sunglasses can make your eyes dry out. The reason why is because the sun’s bright light reflects off the surfaces inside your eyes. When this happens, the light enters your eyes through the front part of your eyelids. As a result, your tear glands don’t produce as much moisture.

Do I have ADHD if I can Unfocus my eyes on command?

No — not being able to unfocus the eyes on command is not an ADHD symptom. However, some eye conditions that affect the eye's ability to focus are more common in people with ADHD. For example, convergence insufficiency makes it difficult for the eyes to focus on close objects.

Why do I keep Unfocusing my eyes?

Causes for Difficulty Focusing Eyes The most common causes of blurred vision are: Refractive errors (the most common cause) Age-related macular degeneration. Cataracts.