What is a banana spider look like

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The name “banana spider” is used to refer to a number of different spiders and spider genera that are found throughout the globe. Many banana spiders are locally called thus because they are colored like bananas or found in banana trees. So depending on where you live in the world, banana spiders could refer to golden orb-weavers, members of the Cupiennius genus, Brazilian wandering spiders, or Hawaiian garden spiders.

  1. What is a banana spider look like


    Note their color. These spiders usually have red, yellow, or white abdomens contrasted against black or dark brown. Their legs are often striped, have feathery tufts, and the tips of their legs point inward.[1]

  2. What is a banana spider look like


    Know their size. The body of a female golden orb-weaver can be between one-and-a-half and three inches, while males are typically smaller than one inch. Their bodies are longer than they are wide, and they can have a leg span of up to six inches.


  3. What is a banana spider look like


    Recognize notable characteristics. Golden orb-weavers usually have irregular spots on their abdomens.

  4. What is a banana spider look like


    Recognize their webs. The webs of these spiders can be easily identified because of the yellow or golden color of the silk, which is why they are called golden orb-weavers.[2] The webs can be larger than a yard across, and are generally found at eye level or above, and usually in forested areas or mangroves.[3]

  5. What is a banana spider look like


    Learn where golden orb-weavers live. Spiders of the Nephila genus are commonly called golden orb-weavers, giant wood spiders, and banana spiders. While these spiders are mildly venomous, they aren’t a big threat to humans, as their venom isn’t overly potent. The species that make up this genus can be found in most places throughout the world, including:

    • Australia
    • Asia
    • Africa and Madagascar
    • South America
    • North America (in the southern United States)[4]

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  1. What is a banana spider look like


    Learn where Cupiennius spiders live. Cupiennius spiders are called banana spiders because they are sometimes found in banana shipments in North America and Europe. However, they are only native to Mexico, the northwestern parts of South America, and a few Caribbean islands.

    • While these spiders are not dangerous to humans, they are often mistaken for the venomous Phoneutria, or Brazilian wandering, spiders.

  2. What is a banana spider look like


    Know their size. The smallest spider species in this genus are about a quarter-inch, while females of the larger species can be as large and one-and-a-half inches. While often mistaken for Brazilian wandering spiders, Cupiennius spiders are generally smaller.

  3. What is a banana spider look like


    Note their color and identifying characteristics. Cupiennius spiders may have bright red hairs on their legs or mouths, and may have black spots on a white background on the underside of their legs near the body.[5]

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  1. What is a banana spider look like


    Learn where Brazilian wandering spiders live. Spiders of the Phoneutria genus are commonly known as Brazilian wandering spiders, armed spiders, or banana spiders. They are native to tropical areas in South America, but there has also been one species found living in Central America.[6] Like Cupiennius spiders, Brazilian wandering spiders are often referred to as banana spiders because they sometimes travel the globe in banana shipments.

    • Brazilian wandering spiders are a danger to humans, and are known as one of the most venomous spiders on Earth. However, there is anti-venom to treat their bites.[7]

  2. What is a banana spider look like


    Know their size. Spiders in the Phoneutria genus can have bodies as large as two inches, and leg spans of up to five inches.[8]

  3. What is a banana spider look like


    Note their color. These spiders tend to be brown and hairy. They are often confused with Cupiennius spiders because they too can have red hairs on their mouths, but they also might have a black spot on their bellies.[9]

  4. What is a banana spider look like


    Recognize notable characteristics. Brazilian wandering spiders will often sit with their two front legs lifted in the air and sway from side to side.[10]

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  1. What is a banana spider look like


    Learn where Hawaiian garden spiders live. Argiope appensa are commonly known as Hawaiian garden spiders. They are native to Taiwan and Guam, and are now found regularly in Hawaii and New Guinea.[11] They are not venomous, and don’t pose any real threat to humans.

  2. What is a banana spider look like


    Recognize their webs. Hawaiian garden spiders have distinctive webs, thanks to the unique zigzag pattern they incorporate into their webs with thick bands of silk.[12]

  3. What is a banana spider look like


    Know their size. These spiders can be quite large, with body lengths reaching over two inches.

  4. What is a banana spider look like


    Note their color and identifying characteristics. Hawaiian garden spiders are often called banana spiders because of their yellow color. They can also be identified by their unique star-shaped abdomens.[13]

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  • Question

    I found a spider in our garden that had physical characteristics of the orb spider but had the zigzag in the web like the Hawaiian one. Do the golden orb spiders also spin the zig zag?

    What is a banana spider look like

    Rebecca Baecker

    Community Answer

    You may have had the writer spider. It looks like a banana spider but has the zigzag in the center.

  • Question

    Approximately how many babies do banana spiders have?

    What is a banana spider look like

    Spiders can lay up to one thousand eggs, assuming half don't hatch, they can have approximately 500 babies.

  • Question

    Is the banana spider poisonous?

    What is a banana spider look like

    Yes. However, keep in mind banana spider refers to a group, not a specific type. Most of them are venomous, especially Brazilian wandering spiders.

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Article SummaryX

To spot a golden orb-weaver banana spider, which are found in areas like North America and Asia, look for spiders with red, yellow, or white bellies, and a leg span of up to 6 inches. To identify a Cupiennius spider, often seen in Mexico, keep an eye out for small spiders between ¼ inch to 1 ½ inches that have bright red hairs on their legs and mouths. For venomous Brazilian wandering spiders, look for brown, hairy spiders about 5 inches in size, which will sometimes sit with 2 front legs lifted in the air. For more info on banana spiders, like how to spot a Hawaiian garden spider, keep reading!

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  • What is a banana spider look like

    Teresa Carter Benton

    Jul 18, 2017

    "This article was extremely helpful to me. It clarified the fact that the particular spider around here that we call..." more

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Are US banana spiders poisonous?

Banana spiders may look intimidating, but they're actually timid and not considered dangerous. Though they aren't poisonous, their bite can be painful.

Are banana spiders good to have around?

How Are They Beneficial to Their Environment? Both adult and juvenile banana spiders are predators. They are considered very beneficial farm and garden insects, as they eat a wide range of flying prey, including small to medium sized flying insects.

Where can you find banana spider?

Brazilian wandering spiders live in South and Central America. Sometimes, these spiders make their way into other countries on fruit shipments. However, these pests mostly live in the Amazon, where they see little human contact. Cupiennius banana spiders are more widespread in Central America.