What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8


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Is one half greater than five eighths? Use this calculator to quickly compare the size of two fractions.

Fraction 1


Fraction 2



is smaller than


FractionDecimal Value
1⁄2 0.5
5⁄8 0.625

How much less?


is 20% smaller than


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Is five eighths greater than one half? Use this calculator to quickly compare the size of two fractions.

Fraction 1


Fraction 2



is bigger than


FractionDecimal Value
5⁄8 0.625
1⁄2 0.5

How much more?


is 25% bigger than


© H Brothers Inc, 2007–2022

20 Answers

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

5/8 is definitely large than _. This is because _ would be the equivalent of 4/8.

A rather simple and useful way of looking at is would be to imagine a cake split into 8 slices. The first person takes 5 of the 8 slices. Whereas the second person would only be allowed half the slices which would be 4 slices. Therefore, the person who was given the 5/8 has more slices of cake.

Fractions can be confusing when they are numbers you do not regularly associate with, or when no measurements really come in such fractions. The trick is to not be baffled by the larger numbers and think about it logically.

Another helpful trick is to try and bring the fraction down if at all possible. For an example 9/27 looks a tricky fraction and alien to most, however it is actually the same as saying 1/3, as 9 goes into 27 3 times. Therefore narrowing it down to 1/3 makes it a lot more manageable.

If you are having trouble with fractions then it is certainly worth telling your teacher. They will be able to help you figure it out and will be highly beneficial to get it cracked before any exams.

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

A good way to figure this out is to put it into a percentage. So, 5/8 = 62.5% and 1/2 = 50% So, yes, 5/8 is larger than 1/2. Or you could just find a common denominator to 5/8 with 1/2 EX: 1/2 X 4 = 4/8 Now compare 4/8to 5/8. Which is the bigger number? The answer still is 5/8.

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

1/2 is 4 eighths (or 0.5) and 5/8 is 5 eighths (or 0.625) and 5/8 is absolutely bigger.

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

5/8 is bigger because you have 5 wholes and 2 tenths

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

First convert 1/2 into eighths, by multiplying top and bottom by 4.

1/2 x 4/4 = 4/8

Then compare 5/8 to 4/8

Now you can see which one is larger much easier.

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

5/8= 10/16   , 1/2 = 8/16   5/8 is greater than 1/2

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

5/8 is much larger than 1/2

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8


4/8 = 1/2


5/8 > 1/2

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

Yes it is 1/8th larger because 4/8th's = 1/2

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

1/2 to a decimal is .5 and 5/8 to a decimal is 1.6 so most likely 5/8 is bigger..

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

Seems the answers are not conclusive better ask a math magician. Lol ....

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

1/2  + 5/8 is greater than 1

What is bigger 1 2 or 5 8

Answer Question

What is a size bigger than 5 8?

Metric / Standard Wrench Conversion Chart.

Whats bigger 1/2 inch or 2/5 inch?

Thus, 2/5 is less than 1/2.

What fractions are bigger than 5 8?

16/24 is larger than 15/24... so 4/6 is larger than 5/8.

What is the sum of 5/8 and 1/2 in fraction?

5/8 + 1/2 = 98 = 1 18 = 1.125. Spelled result in words is nine eighths (or one and one eighth).