What to do when co detector goes off

When a carbon monoxide detector sensor goes off, it can be scary. Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless threat to you and your family’s health. Found in fuel-burning engines and several appliances, carbon monoxide can become a silent killer if not detected early enough. In this blog, we’re going to discuss what to do when a carbon monoxide detector goes off.

What to do when co detector goes off

First, let’s discuss what carbon monoxide is. Carbon Monoxide is a lethal odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas. Often mixed with other gases to make it detectable to the senses, carbon monoxide can be extremely harmful when ingested. Carbon Monoxide is the result of natural gases being partially burned. Fuels that are capable of releasing carbon monoxide include oil, gasoline, kerosene, propane, coal, and even wood. Carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms include headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, confusion, vomiting, and nausea.

What to do when a carbon monoxide detector goes off

A carbon monoxide alarm should never be ignored. If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of CO poisoning, you should evacuate immediately and call 911. If there are no noticeable symptoms, we highly recommend still staying in a hotel for the night and having the fire department or a qualified technician inspect the senor or possible sources of carbon monoxide. If leaving the home is not an option, make sure to open all windows and doors and take time to ensure all sources of carbon monoxide are turned off. After a carbon monoxide detector goes off once, there are a few possible reasons, but you should always take protective measures and contact local professionals.



What to do when co detector goes off

Can a carbon monoxide detector go off for no reason?

In most cases, no. There is typically a reason why the CO alarm is sounding, whether it detects carbon monoxide in the air or is low on battery. Most CO detectors beep every 30 seconds if the battery is low. In rare cases, the carbon monoxide detector may be malfunctioning, but this should be determined by a licensed professional.

What to do when co detector goes off

How do I know if my CO detector is working?

You may be wondering how to test your carbon monoxide detector. Every CO detector is different but typically there is some sort of “test” button allowing you to see if the alarm is in working order. Consult a user manual or call a Houston alarm expert if you have any questions or concerns.

Do I need a carbon monoxide detector?

Absolutely. Even if you do not have any known sources of carbon monoxide in your home, you are still in danger of unexpected circumstances and an alarm will notify you and your family when it matters most. We highly recommend having a trained professional come out to your home to determine the best places to have a carbon monoxide detector.

At Mesa Alarm Systems, our team of security professionals is capable of providing your family with the expertise and technology you need to keep your family safe from carbon monoxide. Have peace of mind we’ll use industry best practices to evaluate your home and install detectors where they’re needed most. Don’t second guess the safety of your family; call (281) 694-4313 to talk to a Mesa representative today!

What to do when co detector goes off

Carbon monoxide, commonly known as the chemical formula CO, is an extremely poisonous gas. It has no odour or colour, which means we are unable to detect it through our senses. It is estimated that CO poisoning is responsible for more than 200 cases of poisoning in the UK, and around 40 deaths. The carbon monoxide alarm going off could mean the gas is present in your home or office, or simply indicating the battery or alarm needs replacing.

The deadly gas is a product of partial combustion of carbon-based compounds where there is not enough oxygen to create carbon dioxide (CO2). It can be found in modern homes near fuel-burning devices: gas heaters, boilers, gas cooking stoves, or power generators.

It can also be produced by motor vehicles and other devices with internal combustion engines. Because of this, carbon monoxide can quickly build up in your home, especially if there is a lack of ventilation. The simplest way to protect yourself and your family is by installing carbon monoxide detectors.

In order to prevent any errors, follow this guide of general advice.

Where Should You Place CO Detectors?

If you live in a home with several stories, then you will need CO detectors on each level. The reason behind this is that CO gas is often trapped within a single level of your home, so that while parts will be completely safe, others may not.

You must place CO detectors near bedrooms, so that you can wake up and evacuate quickly.

You must also set up a CO detector near any potential source of CO, such as garages; where if a vehicle is left running, it can produce enough CO to fill up a room.

If you want to place it in the kitchen where gas is used, place it at least 15 feet away from the source. Avoid placing in rooms where levels of humidity are too high, such as bathrooms, or near heat sources.

What Is The Preferred Height A CO Alarm Should Be Placed At?

What to do when co detector goes off

There are a couple of suggestions about where to place CO detectors. As the alarm is light, it should be placed above window level, but not on the ceiling itself, unlike smoke alarms. This is because the hot air might prevent CO from reaching it.

You can also place the alarm at your eye-level, which will allow you to access it easily for monthly tests.

CO Alarm Maintenance

Like any other alarming device, it should be tested at least once a month with an inbuilt test button. This is done to check for any faults that may occur in the hardware of the device, or to see if the batteries need replacing.

If you recently bought a CO detecting device, make sure to test it in order to recognise the sound it produces. A low battery warning will make a chirping sound (one short beep every 2 minutes).

Don’t just wait for the sound to stop as this will mean the battery is dead and your alarm has stopped functioning. Change the battery immediately. If you are not sure how to do this, see the instructions or contact the manufacturer.

If your alarm is making a loud sustained beeping sound then this indicates it has detected carbon monoxide.

First of all, remain calm, as your composure is essential for securing both your health and the health of your family. Turn off appliances that could be the source of carbon monoxide, open all doors and windows and evacuate the building. Call a licensed technician to check your appliances for any leaks, and do not turn on any appliances until you are sure it is safe to do so.

If you are feeling unwell, and you have symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, make sure to call emergency medical services immediately, and try to find some fresh air.

Some light poisoning can include confusion, and some mental impairment, while more serious cases include chest pain and loss of consciousness.

What to do when co detector goes off

This poisoning occurs when instead of oxygen, carbon monoxide is tied to the haemoglobin in our lungs preventing oxygen from entering your bloodstream. CO poisoning is especially deadly for pregnant women and their unborn babies, small children, and the elderly. The common treatment includes breathing pure oxygen through special masks, or being placed in hyperbaric chamber.

In Short

Any damage done to your health by carbon monoxide can easily be prevented.

Make sure you invest in carbon monoxide detectors and place them correctly. Frequently check to see that they are working properly and replace batteries if necessary.

Keep your gas appliances maintained, and make sure to properly vent all the rooms where those appliances are used.

In the case of emergency, open all the doors and windows, and evacuate outside. Wait for a licensed technician to check all the appliances that could be faulty. Only enter the home again when you are 100 % sure it is safe to do so.

You should never ignore an alarm if you hear it, as it is better to be safe than sorry.

Click here to see our full range of carbon monoxide detectors

Who do you call if your carbon monoxide detector goes off?

Call 911 when your CO detector goes off. Emergency responders are trained to identify and treat the symptoms of CO poisoning. Firefighters are also equipped to find the source of Carbon Monoxide leaks and to stop them.

What to do if your carbon monoxide alarm goes off in the middle of the night?

False or nuisance alarms are when your smoke detector or CO alarm goes off, but there is no presence of smoke or carbon monoxide in your home. However, if your smoke or carbon monoxide detector sounds indicating an emergency and you are not certain it is a nuisance alarm, evacuate the home and call 9-1-1.

Can your carbon monoxide detector go off for no reason?

Can a carbon monoxide detector go off for no reason? In most cases, no. There is typically a reason why the CO alarm is sounding, whether it detects carbon monoxide in the air or is low on battery. Most CO detectors beep every 30 seconds if the battery is low.

How long does a carbon monoxide alarm go off for?

Carbon Monoxide Levels That Will Set Off Your Alarm.