What will they give you for tooth pain in the emergency room 2022

What will they give you for tooth pain in the emergency room 2022

San Francisco, Marin, and Oakland, CA

The coronavirus pandemic may have you concerned about when or if you can get dental care. Not knowing which businesses are open or what services are being offered, it could be a frightening time. Therefore, emergency dentists in San Francisco at Glen Park Dental are sharing information about what to do if you get a throbbing toothache during the coronavirus pandemic.

At-Home Pain Relief

Dental emergencies always seem to happen at the worst time. Sheltering in place during COVID-19 could cause you to panic if you develop a severe toothache. Therefore, Glen Park Dental, a dentist in the Bay Area that accepts dental emergencies during COVID-19, recommends contacting our office if you develop dental pain. Until then, below are a few ways you could reduce your discomfort until you come in to see us.

  • Pain Relievers – Reducing your pain could be as simple as taking some over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the bottle by taking the medicine every four to six hours as needed for pain, so long as you do not have any pre-existing medical condition that makes taking OTC pain relievers unsafe. While you may find relief from these medications, don’t be fooled, your tooth is not healed. You still need to see an emergency dentist in the Bay Area as soon as possible.
  • Cold Compress – Applying a cold compress on your cheek could lessen dental pain. Simply place an ice pack wrapped in a towel on the affected area to reduce swelling and pain. If you do not have an ice pack at home, a frozen bag of vegetables or a homemade ice pack using a resealable plastic bag filled with ice should work well.

When You Should Call Your Dentist

Patients experiencing dental pain during the coronavirus pandemic should avoid going to their local emergency room. ER doctors aren’t equipped to treat toothaches, and will refer you to an emergency dental office in San Francisco. Severe toothaches can be a sign of an infection or another serious condition that needs immediate attention from a dentist. If you are experiencing moderate to severe dental pain, have a broken dental crown, an abscessed tooth, or a cracked or broken tooth, contact Glen Park Dental to arrange for care.

Prevention is Better Than Emergency Care

Emergencies happen, and you can’t always prevent a toothache. But, practicing good oral hygiene can reduce your chance of experiencing a throbbing toothache. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you brush your teeth twice a day and floss a minimum of once daily to maintain good oral health. By removing food debris and bacteria after eating, you could prevent damage to your dental enamel resulting in fewer cavities. While our sheltering in place order may only last a few more weeks, we recommend setting up a dental checkup and cleaning appointment. Visiting the dentist at least twice a year also reduces your chance of getting a toothache. During the coronavirus pandemic, Glen Park Dental is offering emergent care only. Therefore, it is recommended that you take extra care of your teeth to reduce the risk of developing cavities.

Emergency Dentists in San Francisco, California

Glen Park Dental is still here for you, even during COVID-19. Our practice is taking additional precautions to keep you and our team safe and healthy. If you need to schedule an emergency appointment, please contact our office by calling (415) 585-1500. We serve the Marin, Oakland, and San Francisco communities of the Bay Area.

What will emergency room do for tooth pain?

What Will the ER Do for a Tooth Infection? Depending on the source of your dental issues, an emergency room doctor might recommend various different courses of treatment. If there seems to be swelling or an infection, they might prescribe an anti-inflammatory medicine or an antibiotic.

Can the hospital give you medicine for toothache?

At best, ER doctors may give a patient with a toothache a prescription for pain medications and tell him to go see a dentist as soon as possible. Emergency rooms are the place to go in some limited situations involving your teeth.

Can the emergency room do anything about teeth?

Walk-ins to an emergency room would be given antibiotics or pain medication and told to contact their dentist. Not only can they not pull teeth in an emergency room, it is illegal for anyone other than a dentist to perform an emergency tooth extraction, emergency root canal or any other dental care.

Should I go to the ER for severe tooth pain?

If the pain is unbearable and seems to feel like it is spreading along your jaw or neck, then you should go to the ER. If your mouth is bleeding and it has not stopped, you will need to head to the emergency room.