Why do you want to work here reddit

At my last interview, they Asked why I was interested in their company, or if I would be happy at any company similar to them.... (I should mention that I would have been happy with any other company too so I did 10 minutes of research into the company before my interview to help me come up with an answer. I came up with the answer on the spot.)

I responded by talking about how I valued how this company gave back to the community and certain programs that they were involved with that supported small businesses and the arts. The interviewers both looked at each other and then one of them said that that was a very good answer. The other interviewer followed up with, "most people say that they like the benefits we offer."

I recommend, doing a few google searches. If there is something you value in an employer like philanthropy: supporting arts or local businesses or medical research, work sport teams, team bonding events etc... do some research and see if that company does any of that stuff.... You don't need to know everything about a company to impress them in an interview. By looking into what the company does outside of its main job, shows that you are a better candidate (even if you aren't). I had little to no job experience for the job I was interviewing for, but being the only person to mention the companies charity work made me stand out. I got the job.

I was interviewing for a large tech company and I tripped on this answer.


  • They are perpetually on Crain’s Best Places to Work in NYC.

  • I was coming from a Startup

  • Better role & salary

“So my answer was, I want to work for an established, prestigious company that provides its employees with a work-life balance, and most importantly fosters both personal and professional growth, and I believe Company X completely aligns with what I’m looking for.”

She countered with: “Outside of the perks, what about our technology appeals to you?”

I completely stumbled. I thought it was a stupid fucking question and that wore on my face lol.

In retrospect, I should have answered like this:

“Well, I’m relatively new to this industry and when I was doing my due diligence Company X stood out because it’s new ABC platform is positioned to be a market disrupter. It’s very appealing to work for an established company that still leads the industry in innovation. “

I have been out of work since May. Ever since then, I may have submitted 200+ resumes and applications online. I found myself just submitting to jobs that I thought match my skills. Basically, my goal is to land a job, any reasonable job to fill this widening unemployment gap in my resume. How should I respond to a recruiter or the caller when they ask me this question: "Why are you interested in this position?" In my case, I have an MBA without experience so I am shooting for any job and just hoping to land on any since I cannot be picky. There are jobs where I submit a resume with my MBA and others with just my Bachelor degree in Management. I do this because I have been disqualified for an entry level job when they saw my MBA on my resume even though I explained that I am accepting the job with their salary offer, just to get experience. What is the best way to answer their question without sounding like I am so desperate for a job that I have thrown myself out there just to get any job..., which is actually the truth? I am so lost and slowly losing motivation... Please help

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How to respond to this question? Especially when it’s a retail company you couldn’t give a fuck about and just need the money.🤣

level 1

Mod · 10 mo. ago · Stickied commentLocked

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level 1

This question isn't actually about wanting to know the answer.

It's about you demonstrating you did the bare minimum research on the company, it's ethics and the way it works. It basically shows you've put a little effort into the interview.

level 2

This is what I don't like about interviews. Why be underhand? Why not just ask what you want to know? Why ask one thing when you want to know another? People have to spend hours researching common interview questions just to try to figure out what the heck the interviewer is really asking. Didn't guess the question first, figure out what is being asked, and prepare an answer; sorry, you don't get the job. This approach only serves to make interviewers feel superior and interviewees feel inferior. Rant over.

level 2

Yes, this is it. We all know it is because of money or work life balance, or getting out from under a toxic manager. But you have to make up some bullshit like wanting a new challenge and the opportunity at xyz Corp looks amazing, such a great place to work and xyz has done all this stuff it's making me horny.

level 2

I think many companies just copy a standard set of cliché interview questions.

Like in a senior professional role you may actually be interested in moving to a specific company due to what they are working on, the technology they are working with etc and this is a genuine question for those people and could show what your particular interest or passion is.

Asking this question for a job that barely pays minimum wage just seems to me like some mid-level manager googled "Good interview questions" as there is very little value in it.

level 2

With so many jobs on offer, at least where I live, as an employer I would be interested to know why they picked my firm. Personally, when I hire, I much prefer the honest answers.

level 2

this! my first retail job was for a cosmetics brand that prided themselves on being cruelty free… you best believe that i was a militant vegetarian during that interview, and was totally passionate to work somewhere that had the same ethics as i!

level 1

“I like to eat and have a roof over my head”

level 2

Being alive and staying above the breadline has always been my dream

level 2

In reality the interviewer will privately be totally okay with this...

But they must do things the 'proper' corporate way.

level 2

"I have always been passionate about not starving to death on the streets"

level 2

"I like that hard cash money."

level 1

I need money to eat.


I want to be a part of a fantastic company which provides such an important service to the people of our fair country.

level 2

“Well I’m a human being and need to convert protein into amino acids to prevent my person from digesting itself so please employ me for minimum wage so I can buy food.”

level 1

I got asked this not expecting it for an interview at a warehouse once..

I said it pays better than the agency I was working at the warehouse with and it’s more secure

The guy literally said “we aren’t here to make you money”

I mean.. that’s kinda why I’m here my dude

level 2

Red flag. Just another another employer trying to gaslight you into believing that they are doing you a favour by offering you a job.

level 2

The correct reply is "If they stopped paying you, would you keep showing up?"

No? Well why would I?

level 2

That's amazing. I genuinely cannot believe how ridiculously stupid some people can be.


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