Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control

Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control


25/09/2012 at 2:40 am

I was wondering if anyone could help me.. I was on the mini pill cerzazette for around nearly a year, I have recently come off it a week and half ago due to running out and wanting to get my normal period back. Before I came off, I had unprotected sex (used the pull out method) (missed two pills) on the 13th of August, took the morning after pill just 8ish hours after wards.. 2 weeks later I got a brown type of discharge (this usually was my period type when I came on, which isn't often, came on in July before this) I began to get pains under my ribs 2 weeks later, i found this to be some sort of trapped wind. I also found my breasts to be hardish, like if I touched above the actual nipple it was hard, but I was also making them soar by constantly checking them over and over because of being so paranoid. I also experianced a change in discharge as I got a lot of white/clear discharge, yet after coming off the pill, 4 days later I got exterme cramps which lead me to tears, anyways, I got the brown discharge again which to me is my period although im not on the pill anymore? My breasts are still very tender and I still get a cramped feeling.. I took 3 pregnancy tests 2 weeks ago so it would of been a month after the unprotected sex, yet all came out negative. Tonight the brown blood has turned into like pale pink blood, im just wondering if this is normal due to coming off the pill or could it be signs of pregnancy? Thank you ever so much. xx

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Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control


25/09/2012 at 2:41 am

Also again, I have had a increase of clear stringy discharge (sorry tmi) xx

Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control

Micahela S

25/09/2012 at 3:53 pm

i was the exact same when i came off this pill but i also fell pregannt on it! personally i would take a test again and if neg its more than likely just coming off the pill! it took 8 weeks to get a normal period after coming off it the 2nd time! x

Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control

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Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control


25/09/2012 at 4:18 pm

Thank you for your reply! I went down to chemist at half 8 this morning to get 2 more tests, i got the true line ones which are said to be best, i did the best method as well the first wee you go for in the morning, straight away come out negative! That's my 4th one now in a month, I will take the other one at weekend to see what happens..I think it may be just from coming off the pill, as I have done numerous tests now.. my boobs are SO tender at the moment though and im still getting mild cramping as well as bloating.. confusing stuff!! xx

Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control


25/09/2012 at 8:00 pm


Firstly if I was in your position I would make an appointment at your doctors. Write everything down with how much blood loss, colour, how you feel in general - bloated etc, moods, dates of everything and ask for blood tests. Say you are concerned as you are wondering if you are pregnant, because you are unsure, even though by doing a hpt, you are still discovering different blleding and colour changes.
Do another hpt (clearblue tests, first urine of morning are far the best) for peac of mind. But try and get blood tests. Or
 speak to a female doctor or the family planning clinic nurse.
All the best hun. I know people who have been on the pill and have become pregnant on the pill so it is best to get checked out. I hope you get the results you want honey. Will you please let us know how you get on??
Oh, you never know you could be pregnant but could be implantation bleeding of when your period would have been.
Good luck xxx

Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control


25/09/2012 at 8:55 pm

Hiya, i just wanted to say ive been on cerezette 3 times and everytime ive come off them ive had pregnancy symptoms only one of the times i were pregnant haha. I wouldnt worry about it in honesty give it another few weeks then see the gp if things arent back to normal xx

Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control

Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control


26/09/2012 at 6:16 am

It dose sound like it is just your body from coming off the pill. If you had sex in August you would have a + test now if you where preg, I would give it time and see if it settles down if not go to your GP.

Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control


26/09/2012 at 7:38 am

After coming off of the nuvaring I had every preg symptom under the sun - complete with my hair falling out (this happened when I was first preg with my son). Turns out I wasn't pregnant, more confusing as we are TTC. I suppose it depends on how sensitive your body is to hormones. You could book an appointment with your GP if you are concerned x

Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control


12/11/2014 at 1:15 pm

Hi I missed A few pills then decided to come of pill ,4weekish later started spotting brown for 7 days - feel crap dIzzy etc .so did 3 tests over few days came up negative .and this morning is my 7th day of spotting turned slightly red so thought I'm taking another test -came up positive , very Confussed

Brown jelly like discharge after stopping birth control

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05/08/2015 at 12:30 pm

Hi I missed A few pills then decided to come of pill ,4weekish later started spotting brown for 7 days - feel crap dIzzy etc .so did 3 tests over few days came up negative .and this morning is my 7th day of spotting turned slightly red so thought I'm taking another test -came up positive , very Confussed

I finished my pill mid way through cycle and have been having intercourse, been 2 weeks and still no period been getting loads of brown discharge on and off! took a test it came out negative! Went to docks week later and getting urine sample sent off, keep getting light cramps

Is it normal to get brown discharge after stopping the pill?

If you stop taking birth control in the middle of a menstrual cycle, it's not unusual to see bleeding or spotting before your next period. Keep in mind, though, bleeding between periods should only be a temporary issue that goes away after a few months.

Can getting off birth control cause weird discharge?

Once you stop taking birth control, your menstrual cycle needs some time to go back to normal. You may experience irregular periods, unusually long or short menstruation, atypical discharge or spotting in the middle of the cycle.

Can birth control cause jelly like discharge?

One of the potential side effects of the pill is an increase in vaginal discharge. If you have just started using the pill, you might notice an increase in white, mucus-like discharge from your vagina, especially during the first few months.

Why is there thick clear jelly like discharge?

Clear stretchy discharge is a sign of ovulation, while clear watery vaginal discharge occurs between periods, sexual arousal, or pregnancy. Thick clear vaginal discharge can indicate something more serious like a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, or menopause.