Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

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  • Systems of Equations

    Systems of Equations

    A collection of two linear equations in two variables is called a system of linear equations in two variables, or more briefly, a system of equations. The pair of equations

    5 x-2 y=5 \\

    is a system of equations. The brace { is used to denote that the two equations occur together (simultaneously).

    Solution to A System of Equations

    Solution to a System

    We know that one of the infinitely many solutions to one linear equation in two variables is an ordered pair. An ordered pair that is a solution to both of the equations in a system is called a solution to the system of equations. For example, the ordered pair \((3, 5)\) is a solution to the system

    5 x-2 y=5 \\

    since \((3, 5)\) is a solution to both equations.

    5x - 2y &= 5 & & x + y &= 8\\
    5(3) - 2(5) &= 5 & \text{ Is this correct? } & 3 + 5 &= 8 & \text{ Is this correct? }\\
    15 - 10 &= 5 & \text{ Is this correct? } & 8 &= 8 & \text{ Yes, this is correct. }\\
    5 &= 5 & \text{ Yes, this is correct. }

    Graphs of Systems of Equations

    One method of solving a system of equations is by graphing. We know that the graph of a linear equation in two variables is a straight line. The graph of a system will consist of two straight lines. When two straight lines are graphed, one of three possibilities may result.

    Example \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    The lines intersect at the point \(a, b\). This point \((a, b)\) is the solution to the corresponding system.

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Example \(\PageIndex{2}\)

    The lines are parallel. They do not intersect. The system has no solution.

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Example \(\PageIndex{3}\)

    The lines are coincident (one on the other). They intersect at infinitely many points. The system has infinitely many solutions.

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Independent, Inconsistent, and Dependent Systems

    Independent Systems

    Systems in which the lines intersect at precisely one point are called independent systems. In applications, independent systems can arise when the collected data are accurate and complete. For example,

    The sum of two numbers is 10 and the product of the two numbers is 21. Find the numbers.

    In this application, the data are accurate and complete. The solution is 7 and 3.

    Inconsistent Systems

    Systems in which the lines are parallel are called inconsistent systems. In applications, inconsistent systems can arise when the collected data are contradictory. For example,

    The sum of two even numbers is 30 and the difference of the same two numbers is 0. Find the numbers.

    The data are contradictory. There is no solution to this application.

    Dependent Systems

    Systems in which the lines are coincident are called dependent systems. In applications, dependent systems can arise when the collected data are incomplete. For example.

    The difference of two numbers is 9 and twice one number is 18 more than twice the other.

    The data are incomplete. There are infinitely many solutions.

    The Method of Solving A System Graphically

    The Method of Solving a System Graphically

    To solve a system of equations graphically: Graph both equations.

    1. If the lines intersect, the solution is the ordered pair that corresponds to the point of intersection. The system is independent.
    2. If the lines are parallel, there is no solution. The system is inconsistent.
    3. If the lines are coincident, there are infinitely many solutions. The system is dependent.

    Sample Set A

    Solve each of the following systems by graphing.

    Example \(\PageIndex{4}\)

    2x + y = 5 \\

    Write each equation in slope-intercept form.

    1) \(y = 2x + 5\)

    2) \(y = -x + 2\)

    Graph each of these equations:

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    The lines appear to intersect at the point \((-1, 3)\). The solution to this system is \((-1, 3)\), or

    \(x = -1, y = 3\).

    Check: Substitute \(x - 01, y = 3\) into each equation.


    -2x + y &= 5\\
    -2(-1) + 3 &= 5 & \text{ Is this correct? }\\
    2 + 3 &= 5 & \text{ Is this correct? } \\
    5 &= 5 & \text{ Yes, this is correct }


    x + y &= 2\\
    -1 + 3 &= 2 & \text{ Is this correct? }\\
    2 &= 2 & \text{ Yes, this is correct. }

    Example \(\PageIndex{5}\)

    -x + y = -1 \\
    -x + y = 2

    Write each equation in slope-intercept form.

    1) \(y = 2x + 5\)

    2) \(y = -x + 2\)

    Graph each of these equations.

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    These lines are parallel. This system has no solution. We denote this fact by writing inconsistent.

    We are sure that these lines are parallel because we notice that they have the same slope, \(m = 1\) for both lines. The lines are not coincident because the y-intercepts are different.

    Example \(\PageIndex{6}\)

    -2x + 3y -2 \\
    -6x + 9y = -6

    Write each equation in slope-intercept form.

    1) \(y = \dfrac{2}{3}x - \dfrac{2}{3}\)

    2) \(y = \dfrac{2}{3}x - \dfrac{2}{3}\)

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Both equations are the same. This system has infinitely many solutions. We write dependent.

    Practice Set A

    Solve each of the following systems by graphing. Write the ordered pair solution or state that the system is inconsistent, or dependent.

    Practice Problem \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    2x + y = 1 \\
    -x + y = -5

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key



    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Practice Problem \(\PageIndex{2}\)

    -2x + 3y = 6 \\
    6x - 9y = -18

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key



    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Practice Problem \(\PageIndex{3}\)

    3x + 5y = 15 \\
    9x + 15y = 15

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key



    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Practice Problem \(\PageIndex{4}\)

    y = -3 \\
    x + 2y = -4

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key



    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key


    For the following problems, solve the systems by graphing. Write the ordered pair solution, or state that the system is inconsistent or dependent.

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    x + y = -5 \\
    -x + y = 1

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key



    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\)

    x + y = 4 \\
    x + y = 0

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{3}\)

    -3x + y = 5 \\
    -x + y = 3

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key



    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{4}\)

    x - y = -6 \\
    x + 2y = 0

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{5}\)

    3x + y = 0 \\
    4x - 3y = 12

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key


    \((\dfrac{12}{13}, -\dfrac{36}{13})\)

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{6}\)

    -4x + y = 7 \\
    -3x + y = 2

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{7}\)

    2x + 3y = 6 \\
    3x + 4y = 6

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key


    These coordinates are hard to estimate. This problem illustrates that the graphical method is not always the most accurate.


    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{8}\)

    x + y = -3 \\
    4x + 4y = -12

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{9}\)

    2x - 3y = 1 \\
    4x - 6y = 4

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key



    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{10}\)

    x + 2y = 3 \\
    -3x - 6y = -9

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{11}\)

    x - 2y = 6 \\
    3x - 6y = 18

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key



    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{12}\)

    2x + 3y = 6 \\
    -10x - 15y = 30

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key

    Exercises For Review

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{13}\)

    Express \(0.000426\) in scientific notation.


    \(4.26 + 10^{-4}\)

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{14}\)

    Find the product \((7x - 3)^2\).

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{15}\)

    Supply the missing word. The _____ of a line is a measure of the steepness of the line.



    Exercise \(\PageIndex{16}\)

    Supply the missing word. An equation of the form \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\), a \not = 0\), is called a equation.

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{17}\)

    Construct the graph of the quadratic equation \(y = x^2 - 3\)

    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key


    Lesson 11.2 solving linear systems by substitution answer key