Verizon wireless restrictions on this line announcement 24

What is Verizon restriction 24?

Announcement 24 "This call cannot be completed because there are restrictions on this line" occurs when there are Verizon Smart Family restrictions active on the line and prohibiting a phone call. Please keep in mind that if the Smart Family add-on is removed, it may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.

What does it mean when Verizon message says calling restrictions?

Calling restrictions for this cellular telephone prohibit direct dialing beyond your designated service area.", check the following: Make sure you're inside your plan's coverage area. Your calling plan may restrict roaming or calling outside your local area.

What does it mean when you call someone and it says they have calling restrictions announcement 19?

Every time I text it doesn't go through, and every time I call I get the verizon call restrictions announcement 19 message. Now I've read that this usually means that the number is either blocked or the person has time restrictions on their data.

What does it mean when it says the caller has calling restrictions?

Call barring allows you to block specified incoming calls (provided you have subscribed to caller ID). Call restriction prevents certain numbers being dialled for outgoing calls, for example you can restrict all 0845 numbers being dialled.


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