Where can you take a real iq test

Take the official Worldwide IQ Test online & see if you might pass a Mensa test. This reliable, fast, and accurate IQ test gives results in under 30 minutes!

Where can you take a real iq test

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Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Top 5 IQ Scores (24 h)

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Where can you take a real iq test

Worldwide IQ Test

Culture-fair Intelligence Test


Where can you take a real iq test

Which figure logically belongs in the empty box of the grid?

  • Details of the test:
  • 35 Questions
  • The time is limited to 24 minutes
  • Average IQ Score 100
  • Instant Results
  • Test validation fees:
  • $7.99$9.99: Get only your IQ Score Range, for example, Average/Normal (90-109) or Gifted (130-139)
  • $11.99$15.99: Get your Exact IQ Score with a PDF Report sent to your email
  • $29.99$39.99: Get your Exact IQ Score with a PDF Report along with logical explanations (only for personal use) sent to your email
  • * Including taxes and fees, the amount of tax depends on your country

Read more about the Worldwide IQ Test →

Start The Worldwide IQ Test

The results may not reflect the country's real average IQ due to the distortion present in the sample.

Quick IQ Test

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Where can you take a real iq test

Which figure logically belongs in the empty box of the grid?

IQ Score Distribution in Singapore

There are a lot of intelligent citizens living out in Singapore. Our website ranks Singapore in position 26 on our list of countries with the highest average intelligence quotient. The average score is 104.59, which is great!

Our test currently has a global mean of 99.97 and a standard deviation of 14.95 among all the people who have taken our test. We aim to calibrate the test to a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 to provide test-takers with the most accurate results possible.

Which countries have the most intelligent people in the world? We decided to publish some of our data on a country-by-country basis to show exactly how your country compares to others.

For simplicity, the symmetrical Gaussian curve has been used in the drawing of the graphs even though, in some cases, the skew-normal distribution would describe some countries' results better.

The results may not reflect the country's real average IQ due to the distortion present in the sample.

Most Intelligent Countries in the World in 2022

The Worldwide IQ Test website ranks the countries with the highest average IQ in the world based on our official IQ test results. By far the most intelligent countries in the world are Japan having an astonishing average IQ score of 112.49 among the test-takers, with the citizens of South Korea (111.08), Taiwan (110.93), and Iran (110.71) close behind.

Where can you take a real iq test

The results may not reflect the country's real average IQ due to the distortion present in the sample - not everyone in the country will have taken our IQ test. However, the results indicate which country generally has the most brilliant population on average.

Where do you think you rank compared to the rest of the world? Please find out your individual score by taking our reliable IQ test now.

Take our official
Worldwide IQ Test

#CountryAverage IQStandard Deviation
1. Japan 112.49 12.24
2. South Korea 111.08 14.30
3. Taiwan 110.93 11.60
4. Iran 110.71 13.94
5. Hong Kong 110.62 13.29
6. Italy 110.40 16.23
7. Hungary 110.38 14.57
8. Serbia 109.80 16.46
9. Finland 109.10 18.36
10. Vietnam 108.77 12.43
11. Slovenia 108.15 13.01
12. Montenegro 107.91 15.51
13. Norway 107.48 18.99
14. Croatia 107.21 13.56
15. Turkey 107.15 16.60
16. Czech Republic 107.09 15.40
17. Slovakia 106.61 13.07
18. Romania 106.58 14.92
19. Sweden 106.38 16.44
20. Austria 106.28 14.67
21. Germany 105.51 14.32
22. Bosnia and Herzegovina 105.46 16.18
23. Switzerland 105.28 14.10
24. Greece 105.01 15.46
25. Israel 104.73 15.79
26. Singapore 104.59 14.09
27. Cyprus 104.46 15.39
28. Netherlands 104.31 13.54
29. Bulgaria 103.98 13.70
30. Belgium 103.03 13.16
31. Mongolia 103.00 12.11
32. Poland 102.68 15.99
33. Spain 102.66 13.73
34. Peru 102.65 12.93
35. Sri Lanka 102.33 13.08
36. Denmark 102.25 14.64
37. Malaysia 102.17 13.08
38. Luxembourg 101.91 14.26
39. Iraq 101.04 12.08
40. Estonia 100.82 13.35
41. Lebanon 100.51 13.25
42. France 100.43 12.86
43. New Zealand 100.38 13.95
44. Macedonia 100.35 13.37
46. Albania 99.72 11.66
47. Canada 99.68 12.90
48. Belarus 99.60 12.38
49. India 99.53 11.27
50. Tunisia 99.52 12.40
51. Morocco 99.27 12.90
52. Portugal 99.23 11.90
53. Egypt 99.14 12.31
54. Nepal 98.78 10.53
55. Jordan 98.71 12.30
56. Myanmar 98.70 9.91
57. Argentina 98.70 13.53
58. Ireland 98.61 11.19
59. Lithuania 98.57 15.36
60. Russia 98.24 12.11
61. Ecuador 98.22 12.33
62. Australia 98.05 12.29
63. Algeria 98.00 12.88
64. Cuba 97.92 9.79
65. Georgia 97.87 12.82
66. Chile 97.86 12.94
67. United Kingdom 97.60 12.40
68. United Arab Emirates 97.46 12.10
69. Uruguay 97.26 12.16
70. Bolivia, Plurinational State of 97.24 12.13
71. Azerbaijan 97.14 11.65
72. Philippines 96.98 11.43
73. Cambodia 96.93 11.21
74. Venezuela 96.89 11.58
75. Bangladesh 96.72 11.27
76. United States 96.59 12.58
77. Saudi Arabia 96.58 11.53
78. Armenia 96.57 11.69
79. Mexico 96.53 12.38
80. Moldova 96.52 11.99
81. Latvia 96.46 12.00
82. Colombia 96.06 12.34
83. South Africa 95.80 11.38
84. Kazakhstan 95.46 11.63
85. Ethiopia 95.44 10.31
86. Nigeria 95.28 9.77
87. Kenya 95.26 9.71
88. Ukraine 94.92 11.52
89. Costa Rica 94.89 10.70
90. Indonesia 94.81 11.02
91. Brazil 94.61 12.67
92. Cameroon 94.55 11.14
93. Guatemala 93.94 8.42
94. Uzbekistan 93.81 10.97
95. Tajikistan 93.54 9.64
96. Dominican Republic 93.30 8.66
97. Pakistan 93.24 10.73
98. Nicaragua 93.22 7.19
99. Kyrgyzstan 92.76 10.60
100. Honduras 92.65 10.32
101. Thailand 92.54 12.82
102. Panama 91.65 12.97
103. Laos 91.50 10.83
104. El Salvador 91.26 13.91
105. Angola 90.80 10.48
106. Mozambique 90.55 11.56
107. Paraguay 90.26 12.52
Djibouti - -
Benin - -
Grenada - -
Burundi - -
Bahrain - -
Burkina Faso - -
Barbados - -
Ghana - -
Antigua and Barbuda - -
Afghanistan - -
Brunei - -
Bahamas - -
Eritrea - -
Curaçao - -
Cape Verde - -
China - -
Côte d'Ivoire - -
Dominica - -
Fiji - -
Central African Republic - -
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the - -
Belize - -
Botswana - -
Bhutan - -
Gabon - -
Congo - -
Gambia - -
Zimbabwe - -
Sao Tome and Principe - -
South Sudan - -
Suriname - -
Somalia - -
Senegal - -
San Marino - -
Sierra Leone - -
Sudan - -
Solomon Islands - -
Rwanda - -
Qatar - -
Palau - -
Palestine - -
Seychelles - -
Syria - -
Zambia - -
Yemen - -
Vanuatu - -
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - -
Swaziland - -
Uganda - -
Trinidad and Tobago - -
Tonga - -
Turkmenistan - -
Togo - -
Chad - -
Tanzania - -
Guinea - -
Liberia - -
Liechtenstein - -
Saint Lucia - -
Kuwait - -
Saint Kitts and Nevis - -
Jamaica - -
Lesotho - -
Haiti - -
Guyana - -
Guinea-Bissau - -
Equatorial Guinea - -
Iceland - -
Papua New Guinea - -
Libya - -
Oman - -
Nauru - -
Niger - -
Namibia - -
Malawi - -
Maldives - -
Monaco - -
Mauritius - -
Mauritania - -
Mali - -
Madagascar - -
Malta - -
Andorra - -

The results may not reflect the country's real average IQ due to the distortion present in the sample.

Can You Outperform Other People in Singapore?

The average IQ in Singapore is 104.59, but there's more behind that number than you might at first imagine. It's unlikely that anyone actually scored exactly 104.59, but some will have scored around that number. Others will have scored a little below; others will have scored a little above.

Some people will have scored much lower, while others will have scored much higher. If you live in Singapore and score around 104.59, you've got an average IQ score. This means there are people with higher scores and people with lower scores all around you.

If your IQ score is 150, there's a strong chance that there aren't many people above you, and you're one of the most intelligent people in your country. But of course, there's a lot of space in-between 104.59 and 150 - or higher!

By taking our reliable IQ test, you'll be able to see exactly where you stand in the world. Your score will also affect the overall average, which means that you could impact where your country sits on the global IQ table - wouldn't it be amazing to make that kind of difference?

Maybe you'll find out your IQ is higher than you thought. Imagine the confidence boost that could give you!

Perhaps you'll discover you've got an average IQ score - but if you live in a super-intelligent country, is that really something to worry about?

You may even find your IQ score is lower than you hoped, but don't worry - there are plenty of things you can do to boost your IQ, from eating right to simply practicing. Check out the articles on our website for some ideas!

Why is a Country's IQ Important?

Make no mistake - every country is different. Someone who excels in a high-pressure corporate job could never make a living fishing in a small village on the coast of a different country.

In fact, the fisherman might have a higher IQ than the person with the corporate job - he has to solve numerous problems every day, while the corporate employee has to follow instructions.

That's why it's interesting to compare one country against another, as it isn't always the country you would expect that tops the table!

Plus, a larger number of genius scores in a country can seriously skew the results. Sure, having bragging rights over another country is fun, but knowing your own IQ score can give you an insight into your own life.

You can find out exactly where you stand compared to the rest of the world with our reliable IQ test.

Can You Beat the Average Worldwide IQ Score?

The average score for the whole world is 99.97 - have you got what it takes to beat it? You're up against potentially billions of people. Can you stand out? Are you one of the super-intelligent people with a higher-than-average IQ?

We'd love to know! Some people have amazing problem-solving skills that they aren't even aware of, so perhaps you'll find something about yourself that gives you an advantage over the rest of the world!

Take our official
Worldwide IQ Test

Take Our Advanced IQ Test Online

Of course, everybody wants to know how smart they are, and your IQ score is a good indication of how you compare to others. Our unique tests are culture-fair and can be taken by anyone around the world.

You'll find that intelligence is not about being able to read well, it's not about being able to solve equations in your head, and it's not about memorizing facts. An IQ test is about being able to use your brain in the most effective way possible, using logical reasoning to solve problems, and thinking outside the box.

The Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale uses language subtests as a significant part of the testing process. Verbal reasoning isn't always a true test of intelligence, and an IQ test result should reflect this. Our quizzes will allow you to discover your true level of intelligence and compare it to people across the globe. You can complete our quick quiz in just a few minutes, and our full exam in less than 30 minutes. Wouldn't you like to know how your intelligence compares to others?

Are you happy with an average IQ, or do you think you sit somewhere higher on the IQ scale? The only reliable way to find out is to take one of our tests today.

Official IQ Test

Worldwide IQ Test is a simple and elegant assessment that can be completed online. It's easy to understand, fun to take, and hard to master. This is because it's a real IQ test that is designed to challenge you and give an accurate result.

Where can you take a real iq test

Completing all the questions will allow you to discover your current IQ score fast. The time limit is just 24 minutes to answer all 35 questions. You may find some questions to be easy, and others to be nearly impossible – your score is based entirely on how you respond to each question in the IQ test.

The average score is 100, and you'll be able to find out how well you did with instant results as soon as you complete the last question.

Please note that although the Worldwide IQ Test is our official intelligence quiz, it is not provided by Mensa. It does not give you eligibility to apply for Mensa membership based on the quiz results. However, the results are a strong indicator as to your ability to pass the official Mensa quiz. It is also not a measure of your emotional intelligence and only tests your intellectual ability and logical reasoning skills. IQ testing helps you to understand more about yourself, whether you have a low IQ or a high IQ, and finding the correct answer is always in the hands of the test taker.

Quick Test

The Quick Quiz contains 5 questions and is a free IQ test. You can practice with this quiz before taking the full quiz, but the quick version is not long enough by itself to provide an accurate IQ score. However, if you do well with the free IQ test presented in the Quick Quiz, you should definitely give the full quiz a try.

Test Preparation

As with many things, preparation is the key to success. A number of factors can affect your performance in an IQ test (or any other kind of exam), so make sure you stack the odds in your favor. Your body and mind perform best when you are well hydrated, have eaten something that provides fuel for your body, and you have slept well.

Being thirsty, eating junk food, and sleep deprivation are sure ways to score lower than you expected. Furthermore, taking the quiz in a quiet room when you can concentrate and not be distracted will undoubtedly help with your score.

Finally, just relax. Stress will cause you to struggle to find the right answers, so the more relaxed and calm you can be when taking it, the better.

Skill Testing in Organizations

Knowing your own personal IQ score is one thing but knowing how potential employees might respond in certain situations that require intelligence and lateral thinking can be extremely helpful for organizations.

Testing is commonly used during the recruiting process in many businesses. Intelligence and psychological testing will let a company know that every employee is suited to the task they might be employed for and knowing what someone is capable of before signing a contract can help any organization find people who fit well.

Where can you take a real iq test

It doesn't just have to be during recruitment, either. Employees can be tested to see if they are suitable for a different position within the organization, to find out how they respond under pressure, or to understand if they truly are problem solvers.

The official version of our test can be used by organizations as a part of their psychological testing program or by recruitment companies to build a full profile of the people they are working with. If you are testing just a few people every month, then we're confident that you'll find our low price of $11.99 (USD) to be perfect, but if your organization needs to test 10, 100, 500, or 1000 people, we're happy to provide an even better deal for you.

We can provide a significant discount for recruitment companies who require volume pricing based on your exact needs. Get in touch with our support team today to find out what we can offer you, and how you can make sure that all your applicants obtain positions they are well-suited to.

Get in touch with
our support team

Discover Your Ideal Job

The world of work does not start and end with your employer or an agency knowing everything about your intelligence. The fact of the matter is that specific jobs and positions are better suited to people with particular IQ ranges, and it has been shown in studies that people within these ranges excel at certain types of jobs.

It's not as simple as having a lower intelligence quotient means manual labor, while higher intelligence quotient means you should be a scientist – it's more a matter of how comfortable you feel in a particular role based on your problem-solving ability.

Where can you take a real iq test

Our IQ tests will help you to find your score and understand how it can help you to get a job that will suit you in every way. You'll find that you are more fulfilled and happier when working in a position that was made for your skills and talents.

Many people simply fall into a job without much thought or planning but using your IQ score as a benchmark to find your perfect position will give you the best chance to find a rewarding job.

Challenge Your Friends and Family

Friendly competition between friends and family members is common and can manifest in many different forms. From playing board games and cards to tests of strength or races on foot, at one time or another, everyone has indulged in a friendly challenge.

Taking an IQ test is a fast and accurate way to determine who has the highest score. Instant results will give the winner instant bragging rights, and it is all down to the intelligence of the individual.

Where can you take a real iq test

Intelligence is not a fixed number, and so re-running the challenge every so often is a great idea. Those involved can practice between the tests and improve their intelligence (and chances of winning) by preparing well.

Competing with your peers to discover who has the highest intelligence quotient is a great way to pass the time and will certainly cause some discussion for the people who are involved. Our full test is a great way to spend some time together and gain some beneficial information at the end of it. Just make sure not to distract each other too much, as it is never fair to cheat on an IQ test!

Is this a real IQ test?

Many people have heard of Mensa and believe that the only true IQ test is the Mensa IQ test. The Mensa quiz is indeed a difficult one to pass, but it is not the only way of measuring intelligence. Many other useful and valid IQ tests are available, and ours is the best IQ test for people who want to have their intelligence rated quickly.

Our full test gives reliable and accurate results, and depending on the version you choose, you'll discover your IQ range or your exact score – just as you would with Mensa.

The difference between our questions and those supplied by Mensa is what you can gain at the end. The Mensa quiz is essentially an entrance exam for a club, and you can only join the club if you pass the test. Passing indicates you have one of the highest IQs in the world.

Our test will give you the same information but doesn't make you eligible to join any club or society. If you want to join Mensa, take the Mensa test. However, if you want to know if you could stand a chance of passing the Mensa exam, take our quiz to see how well you can do!

What is IQ?

The term is an abbreviation of Intelligence Quotient and provides an indication of how intelligent a person is. Intelligence is not the same as doing well in school and is not reflected in your ability to read or count.

The scores are normalized, which means that everyone who is "average" – is as intelligent as they are expected to be – scores 100. If you are less intelligent, you score lower, and if you are more creative, you score higher.

When you reach a score of 140 and above, you are considered to be at a genius level. Originally the score was based on your current age and expectations, so if your intelligence remains exactly the same year after year, your intelligence quotient may drop - what is expected of you at 16 would be less than what is expected of you at 30 years of age, so a 30-year-old with the aptitude of a 16-year-old would have a lower IQ.

Modern testing puts less focus on age and a greater emphasis on ability.

For more information, please read our What is Intelligence? and Definition of Intelligence Quotient articles.

Taking an IQ Test

If for nothing else, everyone should investigate their abilities to increase their own self-awareness and begin to understand where their strengths lie. You might worry that you'll reveal a low score, but that doesn't make you any less valuable as a person – you most likely have strengths other than pure intellect.

Similarly, you might worry that you get a high score. This doesn't mean anything has to change, but it's good to know what you are capable of. It might even inspire you to make positive changes in your life.

Whatever you are expecting or hoping for, always remember to prepare well by taking care of your physical needs (get some sleep, eat well, keep hydrated), and make sure you can focus while taking the quiz.

Our examination is accurate, reliable, and simple to understand. There are no hoops to jump through to get started, and you'll find out if you're a candidate for Mensa by completing the quiz.

Answering the questions is simple. Begin the exam and choose the correct answer from several options. But remember, the clock is running, so don't waste time! When you've finished, simply confirm your age, gender, and a few more details, and your final score will be calculated.

With our assessment, you'll gain insight into an approximation of your rating or see your exact score – plus, you'll get the option to get all the answers explained.

Why our questions are Culture-fair

Everyone grows up in a different environment and has different abilities, but this does not correlate directly to intelligence. The ancient Egyptians figured out how to move tons of rock and build great monuments in the desert without electrical machinery or trucks to haul heavy objects with. Still, they probably couldn't figure out how to make a call on a modern cell phone. A bird can build a nest from twigs and keep itself safe from danger but can't read a book. Who is the most intelligent?

In scientific studies, horses and ravens have been shown to have an ability to count, but horses can't build houses, and humans can't fly as a raven can. Does that mean one is more intelligent than the other? No!

Our culture-fair exam does not base the results on your ability to count, read, or anything else. This means that the comparison group is the whole world, making this the most comprehensive comparison available.

Are the Results Reliable?

We make sure that the results are reliable to provide the best service for everyone who wants to know their true score. The questions were designed by an experienced medical doctor to provide a full and balanced measurement of an individual's intelligence.

We regularly review and update the questions to make sure that it remains accurate. Re-calibration is performed whenever necessary, so you can always be sure of a fair and accurate score.

The Normal distribution

Intelligence Quotient scores are distributed normally and can be represented by a Gaussian curve (sometimes known as a bell curve). In simple terms, this means that the majority of people are within two standard deviations of average in either direction. As the standard deviation for the distribution of scores is 15, this means that 95% of all scores are between 70 and 130.

Where can you take a real iq test

There are outliers in both directions – those who clinically suffer from forms of mental retardation and those who may be considered geniuses.

Learn how to Improve Intelligence

You can improve your intelligence in a few simple ways. Your ability to think is affected by your physical wellbeing, and a primary concern is to get good sleep and stay hydrated.

Your diet can affect both your mood and your ability to process information. Superfoods such as blueberries, green tea, and certain fats and spices can boost your memory and intelligence – for more information, please read our How To Prepare for Mensa Test and How to Improve Memory Naturally articles.

You can also improve your intelligence by "exercising" your brain. Taking practice tests is one way to boost your intelligence, as is using apps such as Lumosity and playing games that use different parts of your brain simultaneously – see our How to Improve your IQ Test Score article for more information.

Are you prepared to join Mensa?

Mensa is an international society for people with high intelligence. To join, you need to complete an extremely taxing intelligence quiz that only a small proportion of the population is capable of passing. There are several things you can do to prepare your body and mind to take the quiz – so do you think you have what it takes?

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding online intelligence tests.

Is the online quiz free?

Our Quick IQ Test is free to take, and you'll receive instant results right after you've finished the quiz. The official Worldwide IQ Test is a paid test, and you can choose the type of results you want. Three options are available for your results:

1. Get an estimate of your IQ score range, e.g., Average/Normal (90-109) or Gifted (130-139), but not the exact score.
2. Get an estimate of your actual IQ and a more detailed report of your intelligence in PDF format.
3. An estimate of your IQ score along with the detailed report, plus a document containing all the correct answers with explanations. This is useful for understanding the logic behind each question.

Can I apply for the Mensa membership after the quiz results?

No, not based on the results that you receive. Our online quiz is purely indicative and will not allow you to apply for membership of the Mensa association. However, it's a pretty good indicator of whether you should consider taking the official Mensa quiz.

Is the Worldwide IQ test accurate?

Our quiz has been pre-calibrated before use, and from time to time, we re-calibrate our quiz again to better match with the Gaussian curve and the actual results. Are online tests accurate? Yes, but note that only an official Mensa quiz gives you the results that can lead to a Mensa membership. Our quiz can be used to indicate whether you should consider taking the official Mensa quiz, and can also be used for entertainment purposes and bragging rights – see if you can obtain the highest score among your friends.

What happens when the time runs out?

The quiz ends when either of the following conditions is met: If the time limit of 24 minutes runs out, or all of the questions were answered. Try to stay within the given time limit when doing the quiz, because unanswered questions are interpreted as wrong answers.

What does a Culture-fair test mean?

Our questions are culture fair, and only contain graphical figures in black or grey (no letters or numbers) to avoid cultural bias in the intelligence testing. Intelligence testing is not about counting, spelling, or comprehension ability. Avoiding colors allows people with any color vision deficiency also to measure their intelligence quotient reliably.

Why do we ask for information such as age and country after the test?

After the quiz, we ask some questions so we can provide you with better reports in the future. This information is stored anonymously and has no bearing on your intelligence test result. You do not need to tell us your name or address. We will send the test report to the email address you provide, but you are free to use an anonymous (but functional) email address to maximize your privacy.

Is there an official IQ test?

There are many different tests used for measuring IQ. No one intelligence test is universally accepted as the “official” test, although the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children are the most commonly used individual intelligence tests.

How much does it cost to get a real IQ test?

Adult IQ tests typically take one to two hours. Psychologists may also administer IQ tests, particularly to children. The cost of an IQ test ranges from free to as much as $200, depending on who administers the test. The majority of IQ test takers simply take the test to determine whether or not they are intelligent.