Workout for love handles and belly fat

You’ve tried crunches, cardio, and side bends, but nothing you do seems to lose your love handles and rid you of your stubborn belly fat. It might be time to change up your gym routine—or start a new one.

Commonly called “love handles,” that belly fat collecting around your torso is a key indicator of poor overall health. To get the best moves for a slim torso, we asked Sadik Hadzovic, an IFBB Men’s Physique professional, for his 10 favorite exercises to lose love handles.

“This workout is effective because it’s fast paced and designed to target both the rectus abdominals and the transverse abdominals,” he says. “To burn fat, you must do more then just crunches and situps; you need to recruit your entire body to enter a thermogenic state that leads to an accelerated rate of fat loss.”

Complete your dream physique with these 10 moves that will carve up your core fast.


Hadzovic suggests you do these exercises as a workout once a week, as well as adding individual exercises into your regular strength and conditioning routine.

On other days, churn through high-intensity interval training three times a week. And stick to a clean diet—”abs are made in the kitchen,” as they saying goes.


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Workout for love handles and belly fat


Sledgehammer Overhead Strike

Sets: 3
Reps: 20
Grab the sledgehammer with your left hand on the bottom and your right hand near the hammer. Raise the sledgehammer above your head and over your right shoulder, and then bring it down toward the center of a tire, similar to chopping wood. Switch sides.

SEE ALSO: 6 Tips for a Ripped Six-Pack

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Workout for love handles and belly fat

Syda Productions


Sets: 4
Duration: 30 sec.
Perform the plank facedown on a mat with your feet together. Lift your hips off the ground and support your body weight on your forearms and toes, maintaining a neutral spine and a tight core.

SEE ALSO: Plank Progression for Muscle Growth

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Workout for love handles and belly fat

Flamingo Images


Sets: 4
Reps: 10-15
Stand with the bar above the center of your feet—your stance should be a bit more narrow than shoulder width to give your arms room. Grab the bar overhand, bend through your knees until your shins hit the bar, which must remain above the middle of your feet. Keep your shoulder blades directly over the bar. Pull, keeping the bar close to your body, roll it over your knees and thighs until your hips and knees are locked.

SEE ALSO: The Deadlift: Step-by-Step for Optimal Results

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Workout for love handles and belly fat

Vadym Stock

Battle Rope Wave

Sets: 4
Duration: 30 sec.
Rest: 30 sec.
Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, your knees and hips slightly bent, and your core “locked in.” Grip the ends of the rope in both hands, allowing your arms to hang straight down at the center of your torso. Lower yourself into a half squat. In a single movement, explode your body upward, extending your knees and hips as you swing your arms up over your head. Immediately return to start and continue the movement.

SEE ALSO: Incorporate Rope Training Into Your Workout

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Workout for love handles and belly fat


Russian Twist

Sets: 4
Reps: 15
Sit on the floor with both legs bent and feet on the ground. Extend arms straight out holding a weight or medicine ball. Lower your upper body back until your back is at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Rotate your arms from side to side, twisting your upper body. Make sure not to lift or move your feet.

SEE ALSO: 28 Days to Six-Pack Abs

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Workout for love handles and belly fat

Arsenii Palivoda

Box Jump

Sets: 4
Reps: 20
Stand in an athletic position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, at a comfortable distance from the box. When you’re ready to jump, drop quickly into a quarter squat, then extend your hips, swing your arms, and push your feet through the floor to propel yourself onto the box.

SEE ALSO: Fat-Burning Workout: Box Jumps

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Workout for love handles and belly fat

Arsenii Palivoda

Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing

Sets: 4
Reps: 20
Stand up straight, with feet a bit wider than hip-distance apart. Grab hold of the handle with both hands, keeping your palms facedown and arms in front of the body. Maintain a slight bend to the knee and drive the hips back, lowering the body—but not too low, this isn’t a squat! Then, in a fluid motion, explosively drive the hips forward while swinging the kettlebell, keeping the glutes and core engaged.

SEE ALSO: Full Body Kettlebell Workout

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Workout for love handles and belly fat


Kneeling Vacuum

Duration: 1 min.
Kneel on the floor and sit back with your butt on your heels. Place hands on the sides of your legs. Pull your shoulders back then pull your abs in as if trying to touch your belly button to your spine. Hold the vacuum for 20 or more seconds, then maintain the contraction for one to two seconds, alternating contractions and releases.

SEE ALSO: Gain 10 lbs. of Muscle in 4 Weeks

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Workout for love handles and belly fat


Jumping Burpee

Sets: 4
Reps: 15

Start standing with your feet together. Bend at the knees and waist and place the palms of your hands on the ground. Kick your feet backward so that you are in a plank position. Kick your feet back in, stand back up, and immediately jump in the air. Land on your feet.

How do you lose belly fat and love handles fast?

17 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Love Handles.
Cut out Added Sugar. Share on Pinterest. ... .
Focus on Healthy Fats. Filling up on healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds and fatty fish can help slim your waistline. ... .
Fill up on Fiber. ... .
Move Throughout the Day. ... .
Stress Less. ... .
Lift Weights. ... .
Get Enough Sleep. ... .
Add in Whole-Body Moves..

What exercise helps lose belly fat and love handles?

What Is the Best Exercise to Get Rid of Love Handles?.
Abdominal scissors. Lay on your back with hands at your sides or under your glutes for back support. ... .
Plank. ... .
Mountain climbers. ... .
Side plank. ... .
Russian twists. ... .
Woodchoppers. ... .
Consult a doctor or physical therapist before starting any new exercise program..

Do love handles go away with belly fat?

Love handles can be a side effect of excess body fat, especially fat in the area of your hips and lower abdomen. Increased activity and healthier eating can contribute to shrinking love handles as part of overall fat loss, but it's important to remember that this can also take some time.

Can you get rid of love handles with exercise?

Losing love handles (stored fat) and increasing the metabolism so you can lose weight more effectively are all tied into a consistent cardiovascular/resistance training program. The stored fat around your midsection (for men) is typically the last to leave your body, even after months or years of an exercise plan.