Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain

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Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain

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Meal replacement shakes are a great way to get all of your essential nutrients and vitamins in one quick drink. They are especially helpful if you want to lose weight or are too busy to prepare daily meals.

There are plenty of shakes on the market, and it can be hard to find the best without spending too much money. Mostly it’s because some products may not work as well, and you won’t get your desired results. Some may even falsely claim to have quality ingredients, but are just protein powder without the added nutrition. It needs to have the broad spectrum of nutrients to truly replace a healthy meal.

So how do you know the best meal replacement shakes? Here are the top four best meal replacement shakes that will have you feeling energized and healthy in no time! But first…

What are Meal Replacement Shakes?

A meal replacement is a drink, soup, or bar that acts as an alternative to solid full-course meals. They provide a means for people trying to maintain or lose weight by controlling food intake. Meal replacements contain enough calories to sustain an individual, and sufficiently and effectively replace a meal. 

They are generally lower in calories than a regular meal. This means it will further your weight control or weight loss goals. So, which of these meal replacement shakes are the best?

Top Four Best Meal Replacement Shakes

Editor's Choice

Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain


Ingredient Quality



Overall Score

#2 Best Choice

Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain

Garden of Life

Ingredient Quality



Overall Score

#3 Best Choice

Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain

Golden Superfood Bliss

Ingredient Quality



Overall Score

#1. PhenQ Complete Meal Shake (Best overall)

Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain

Brand Overview

PhenQ is a well-known brand that has been on the lead in supplement manufacturing for over a decade. The company gained popularity for its extensive research approach to product development. 

Last year the company introduced a powerhouse weight loss supplement that has gained popularity among users, and become a true leader in a crowded field of meal replacement shakes.

So far, the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake has lived up to the company’s billing. It’s a meal replacement shake that contains a quality blend of ingredients that boost your body’s metabolism. So what can you expect from this product? Keep reading to find out.

Highlighted Features

  • Keto-friendly
  • 100% plant-based protein
  • 16 grams of Protein
  • 13 Key Vitamins and Minerals
  • Gluten-free
  • Sugar-free
  • Non-GMO
  • Has great taste with 3 delicious flavors
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Contains healthy fats
  • 100% Satisfaction, 60-day money back guarantee

But like everything else, PhenQ Complete Meal Shake has its pros and cons. Here are the pros and cons of using these meal replacement shakes.

  • Nut-free, gluten-free, dairy-free
  • Easy to use, organic
  • Free from artificial flavors
  • Sugar-free
  • Helps burn fat and add muscle
  • Comes with a free workout guide
  • Free shipping
  • Company offers a 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Top weight-loss and nutritionist specialist

  • PhenQ is a bit pricey, retailing at $83.34 for two bags


Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain
Like other weight loss supplements for PhenQ, the Complete Meal Shake works with a unique formula. It is 100% plant-based, making it ideal for vegan consumers. In fact, Instead of using whey protein, the meal replacement shake utilizes plant-based protein to boost energy in your body.

According to the company, a single serving of PhenQ can replace one full meal completely. Furthermore, this meal replacement protein enables you to consume fewer calories and control food cravings.

You can also expect to benefit from the 24 different vitamins and minerals in this formula. That’s not all. The meal replacement protein shake contains 13-g of healthy fat extracted from natural MCT oil. All of these ingredients work in synergy to enhance metabolism and burn fat. (1)

That said, the formula consists of three main scientific-based ingredients: InnoSlim, Reishi mushroom, and Ashwagandha extracts. 

Each of these ingredients has different benefits for the body. Here are the details of each.


  • Lowers your calorie intake and helps control your appetite
  • It kickstarts a healthy AMPK response and metabolism to help in fat burning.

Reishi mushroom

  • Also known as immortality mushroom, it improves productivity and reduces fatigue
  • It helps build your cognitive functions
  • It helps in controlling your blood sugar levels

Ashwagandha extract

  • It helps improve endurance levels
  • Reduces stress levels to discourage emotional eating
  • Reduces cortisol hormone levels; promoting lean muscle mass and fat loss

PhenQ Complete Meal Shake is not only an effective meal replacement formula, but it’s also tasty! And that counts for a lot since it has to replace an otherwise delicious meal. 

It offers delicious flavors such as Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate Brownie, and Strawberries & Cream. They are all really delicious flavors, and they don’t taste like chalk like some meal replacement drinks.

Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain

Although the meal replacement shake comes with these three flavors currently, you might have more options in the future. New flavors are in the works. But the three above are really all you need. Any new flavors are just icing on the cake.

Customer Experience From this Fat Burning Meal Replacement

One of the most important aspects of a product is the customer experience and social proof. It’s important to know how the product has worked for other customers. In this case, there are positive testimonials from those who have already tried the product.

Customers seem to get satisfaction from its benefits, and some say it’s one of the best meal replacement shakes on the market. Many reported that it helped them lose weight by controlling food intake and reducing calories on the days it’s consumed.

Because it’s a plant-based protein shake, PhenQ Complete Meal doesn’t have adverse side effects. Those who have tested other meal replacement shakes found PhenQ more effective and tasted better.

Overall, most customers appreciated the fat-burning meal replacement and regarded it as value for their money. If you’re out shopping for a meal replacement shake, consider PhenQ. It’s a proven and growing brand that is quickly becoming a market leader.

#2. Garden of Life Organic Meal (plant-based protein)

Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain

Brand Overview

Garden of Life is a reputable name in the nutritional market selling organic products. The company has been around for almost two decades. They are best known for their organic meal replacement supplements serving different needs.

Currently, the brand is the most popular meal replacement shake in the US, with over 20,000 reviews. It has a high rating of 4.9 stars on different platforms like Amazon, which is the best proof of excellent customer service and satisfaction. 

Founded by Jordan Rubin, the company is a leader in the health and fitness industry and is now part of Nestle.

The brand provides several meal replacement shake options for customers with different dietary restrictions. With so many meal replacement shakes available, you can find one that meets your dietary needs.

With the Organic Meal, Garden of Life brought a new innovative solution to help people lose weight. The entire meal replacement comes from organic ingredients. With sprouted grains, vegetables, and plant-based protein, you can rest assured of getting all your daily nutritional needs.

What’s unique about this product is that it assists with weight loss without losing energy levels. It provides all essential vitamins and minerals, proteins, and digestive enzymes in one serve. If you are looking for a healthy meal replacement that keeps you fit, consider this as your first option.

Highlighted Features

  • Contains plant-based proteins
  • 20g of proteins per serving
  • It comes with a blend of 9 amino acids
  • Rich in micronutrients
  • High fiber with low sugars
  • It has 27 essential vitamins and minerals
  • USDA certified ingredients
  • GMO-free
  • Probiotics
  • It comes with plenty of digestive enzymes

There is no doubt that Garden of Life Organic Meal is one of the best meal replacement shakes available. However, like any other meal replacement powder, it has its own pros and cons. Here are some of them.

  • It reduces irritable bowel syndrome
  • Prevents food allergies
  • Vegan friendly
  • It has no artificial flavors
  • Gluten and soy-free
  • Provides enough energy and reduces food cravings

  • It may be expensive for some users
  • It has some imbalance in nutrients
  • It may take time to get shipped to other parts of the world


It comes as packed organic protein powder and has a pleasant taste. You will only need to add coconut milk or water and blend it.

Garden of Life Organic Meal includes a blend of organic sprouted grains, vegetables, and protein. It is a tasty meal replacement that keeps your stomach full for hours. The meal replacement powder has the best quality, non-GMO ingredients that are healthy and gluten-free. (2)

The meal replacement powder is excellent for people with different nutritional needs. Whether you want to lose weight, gain or maintain muscle, this meal replacement powder will help. With 27 essential vitamins and minerals, Garden of Life Organic Meal is sure to keep you healthy at all times.

It is also organic, which means you are consuming healthy ingredients without pesticides and chemicals. For example, the meal replacement powder comes with plant-based proteins instead of whey proteins.

Whey proteins come from dairy and can contain several harmful byproducts. It may also be a problem for those who are lactose intolerant. The plant-based proteins in the Garden of Life Organic Meal are organic and provide a healthy alternative to whey proteins.

Another fact that differentiates Garden of Life Organic Meal from other meal replacement powders is that it doesn’t contain any artificial flavors, colors, or GMO ingredients. It has only three natural flavors. They include Chocolate, Vanilla, and lightly sweet.

Additionally, the product provides different meal replacement shakes to tailor your needs. For example, if you want to lose weight, you will opt for a different replacement shake, while someone who wishes to maintain it will have another. These products include Raw & Organic All-in-One, Raw & Organic Fit, Protein & Greens, Perfect Foods Greens.

Our research and editorial team found the best meal replacement powder from Garden of Life to be Perfect Foods Greens. The product uses a blend of organic vegetables, lignans, anti-inflammatory agents, and antioxidant fruit extracts.

Despite making it into this list of best meal replacement shakes, we found one issue with Organic Meal. It has a deficiency of healthy fats like omega-3. If you prefer a meal replacement with these fats, then this one may not be your first choice.

Also, there are other options in the market that work the same or close to this meal replacement shake. 

Customer Experience From Using this Meal Replacement

We gathered customer reviews from different retailers. From customer comments, we discovered that most consumers are very happy with this meal replacement shake. Most claimed that the product was easy to make, and they liked the taste.

The majority of those who tried it said that the meal replacement powders were helpful in their weight loss journey. They said it was a good meal replacement shake and would recommend it to their friend.

However, some people have seen that this product is a little expensive. It can be a problem for those on a tight budget. However, most users agree that it is a healthy and nutritious product.

From these reviews, we can conclude that Garden of Life Organic Meal Replacement is a good meal replacement shake that keeps your stomach full and provides you with essential nutrients. If you are shopping for drinking meal replacement shakes, consider any product from Garden of Life. A proven brand with very high consumer trust.

#3. Earth Echo Golden Superfood Bliss

Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain

Brand Overview

The people behind this top-rated meal replacement shake are a couple. Craig Collins and his wife Danette co-founded Earth Echo Foods, aiming to help people in their weight loss journey. The couple has been in the health and fitness space for a long time, and they felt there was a need for supplements.

They decided to launch a meal replacement that is nutritious and promotes a healthy lifestyle. The company claims that its product contains premium ingredients that are healthy and harvested responsibly. It also claims that their product provides ample energy and helps you stay full for longer.

Highlighted Features

  • Composed of non-GMO ingredients
  • No gluten, soy, or dairy
  • It May help boost mental functions like alleviating anxiousness and stress
  • Promotes healthy skin
  • GMO-free
  • Sleep optimization
  • Prevents emotional eating
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Boost immunity

Earth Echo Golden Superfood Bliss is another best meal replacement shakes in the industry today. It comes from a blend of superfoods, which help you reach your fitness goals. This meal replacement shake blends plant-based protein, which comes from several sources.

So what are its pros and cons? Here are the good and bad points of this meal replacement shake:

  • Improves digestion
  • Excellent as an after exercise shake
  • Acts as a body relaxer and improves mental clarity
  • Contains immune-boosting properties
  • It doesn't cause bloating
  • Ideal if you are looking to reach your weight loss goals
  • It has a delicious taste

  • It may be expensive for some consumers


Earth Echo Golden Superfood Bliss is a meal replacement shake that contains a unique formula to help you in your daily life. The blend of superfoods helps you lower stress, promotes weight loss, and contains antioxidants.

For example, like the phenq meal shake, each serving of Echo Golden contains ashwagandha and turmeric. These two ingredients suppress appetite and help with inflammation and weight loss.

It also contains other ingredients such as organic amla fruit extract, ginger root, coconut milk, black pepper, cinnamon bark, and others. Together, they help improve metabolism and immunity in your body.

Most customers use it to suppress their appetite. Some people struggle with overeating making it virtually impossible for weight loss. According to the company, this emotional eating has nothing to do with hormones, exercise habits, or diet.

Instead, it’s related to the body’s reaction to stress or other unstable emotions. The company refers to these body reactions as hunger magnets.

The products naturally reduce appetite and help you consume fewer calories throughout the day. This feature allows you to stay on track with your weight-loss goals easily.

Another aspect of this meal replacement shake is the sleep booster. Ingredients such as turmeric could help your body’s ability to relax and fall asleep. It boots DHA levels, which improves focus and reduces occasional anxiety. That way, you get to sleep better and rebalance hormones. (3)

Lastly, this fat-burning meal replacement shake contains MCT oil and powdered coconut milk. The two give it a smooth and creamy texture when drinking. They also play a critical role in fat burning and fullness. For instance, they kickstart weight loss by forcing your body into a ketosis state to burn fat much faster.

The meal replacement shake is a USDA Organic certified formula. That means all its ingredients are free of herbicides and pesticides. USDA Organic certification is essential since it is the mark of quality for any meal replacement powders

There are plenty of superfood supplements currently on the market, including green and red superfood formula blends. However, this one is among the few yellow superfood blends available.

You may also try out other meal replacement superfoods like NatureFuel Keto Meal Replacement. You can also try Fit & Lean Meal Shake Fat Burning Meal Replacement. Overall, this meal replacement shake will help you lose weight without any side effects.

Customer Experience From this Meal Replacement Shake

For products that could replace full course meals, it’s definitely an excellent choice for people trying to lose weight. We gathered user testimonials from different platforms, and it has positive reviews.

Most of its users reported that they lost weight effortlessly after consuming this meal replacement shake. In fact, several consumers claimed that they got satiated easily after taking it.

Many customers used it as a pre-workout drink or an afternoon pick-me-up snack. Some of them found that it reduced appetite and kept energy levels high during the day. As if that wasn’t enough, some of its users claimed that it gave them mental clarity along with improved digestion.

Several people use it as their breakfast substitute, lunch alternative, and even dinner! It is good at satisfying your body’s cravings for sweet foods, so you don’t need to snack on unhealthy snacks any longer.

Most of them liked the flavor and texture of the product. Smooth and creamy, it mixes well in water. Many consumers also liked that it displayed all its ingredients. They claimed it made it easy to compare it with other meal replacement shakes in the market.

This meal replacement shake is among the highest-rated products in the market. Its 12 ingredients blend is also great. Users find it easier to make than other supplement shakes in the market.

Additionally, it contains 100% organic ingredients, ensuring that you live a healthier lifestyle while losing weight. There is no doubt that this meal replacement shake has become very popular among consumers.

However, despite all these benefits, users complained of the price compared to the amount offered. Some of them found it expensive against the potion available in each meal.

#4. Green Regimen Elite Protein (The most delicious meal replacement shake)

Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain

Brand Overview

Green Regimen is another popular health and fitness company. The company makes a wide range of organic, vegan, and natural supplements. They use only the finest ingredients for their products to ensure you receive top-quality meal replacement supplements.

The company’s philosophy revolves around the idea that everyone deserves to be healthy and happy through proper nutrition and exercise. Green Regimen believes that human beings should strive to do the best with what they have.

The company did not come about out of opportunity but by necessity. Tyshawn founded the company when his mother got cancer and needed to lose weight. After surgery, she had little mobility and found it almost impossible to lose weight.

Tyshawn created a green smoothie for her, and in 60 days, she dropped 50 pounds. He wanted to do more than share the recipe with his mom, so he created Green Regimen. Over the years, the company has improved the initial formula to create one of the best meal replacement shakes.

Their products get recommendations from professionals such as fitness enthusiasts and bloggers. Its flagship product was the Elite Protein and is the most delicious meal replacement powder in the market. It’s nutrient-rich, 100% plant-based, and healthy.

So what does Green Regimen Elite Protein offer? Check out the following list:

Highlighted Features

  • It’s a plant-based protein shake
  • Rich in micronutrients
  • Convenient to prepare
  • Improves digestion by enhancing digestive enzymes
  • It May help burn saturated fat in the body
  • It helps increase fat oxidation levels.
  • Nutritious meal replacement
  • Delicious

  • Perfect as vegan meal replacement formula
  • Helps with muscle recovery
  • Easy to digest
  • Boost immunity
  • A complete meal replacement

  • Expensive for some users, retailing at ‎US$59.99


With people getting motivated to lead a healthy lifestyle, there is a growing need for plant-based proteins. As millions of people struggle with habits that wreak havoc to the body, they need a healthy product. One thing they can do to alleviate these habits is to opt for a vegan lifestyle.

If appropriately adopted, it can help reduce cholesterol and promote weight loss. One product that can enhance the process is the Green Regimen Elite Protein.

This Plant-based protein provides the nutritional requirements needed to stay fit and healthy. One serve of this protein powder contains a blend of digestive enzymes, superfood, and other natural ingredients.

Its protein composition comes from organic chia seeds, organic hemp, and other pea protein powder. Additionally, it contains other ingredients such as coconut water, spirulina, and organic mac. Together they support various health functions.

Each serving of this meal replacement shake comes with a blend of a digestive enzyme known as DigeZyme. The enzymes include cellulase, amylase, lipase, and lactase. They help the body break down food. (4)

For example, amylase helps break down carbs and alleviate bloating after a meal. Meanwhile, lipase, protease, and cellulase help break down fibers from plants. With this, you remain full, with no bloating or other digestive issues.

That’s not all. With daily use, you not only lose weight it also helps you build lean muscle. After a workout, your body usually needs to repair muscle tissues and recover. With over 25g of protein in each meal, an Elite Protein meal replacement will build and tone your muscles.

The company has also identified some delicious flavors without adding artificial sugar. It comes with two available flavors like vanilla and chocolate. Other vegan protein powders may have a chalk texture and tests.

Customer Experience From this Meal Replacement Shake

Elite Protein is one of the most talked-about meal replacements in the market. Customers gush of its flavors and plant-based nutrients. Most of them recommend it as the best vegan protein powder available.

For instance, several users said they had gastritis before using it. However, Green Regimen Elite Protein helped reduce his pain levels and improved digestion. Another user who claimed to be a professional athlete said he enjoyed a delicious chocolate flavor that keeps him going after an intense workout.

Other customers love it as a meal substitute. They said that it helps them avoid heavy meals. What stood out was that most people liked the convenience of using them. Elite protein meal replacement shakes are quick to prepare, simple to mix, and carry along easily.

They easily mix in almond milk, water, or even smoothies without any issues. You get the most delicious and nutritious meal replacement in less than 30s. Generally, people recommend it as one of the best vegan protein powders available.


Meal replacement shakes are great products if you want to live a healthy lifestyle. They help you stay fit with the right nutritional balance that your body needs. However, there are plenty of them in the market, and some have false claims in their commercials.

Don’t fall for this just because you get pulled in by the advertisement. Instead, before choosing your preferred meal replacement shakes, look at some important factors like ingredients and taste.

First, check the composition of the ingredients displayed on the product and their nutritional value to get the best meal. You may also compare the ingredients on different brands to find the right one for you.

The ones we have featured in this article are all the best in their respective categories. They are also transparent with their ingredient composition. They are sure worth your money and time to check out.

Please note that our reviews are in no way medical advice. Therefore, before taking any product, we suggest you consult your doctor first.

Click to check our vegan meal replacement shakes, and also keto meal replacement shakes.

Best meal replacement shakes for muscle gain

David Williams

A diet and fitness enthusiast, David is an ex-Army Airborne Ranger and Infantry soldier with decades of fitness and wellness experience. A West Point graduate with a degree in engineering, he focuses on technical research related to fitness, nutrition, and wellness. He loves the beach, and spending time with his wife and daughters.


  1. Brown, M. J. (2020, May 18). What to know about MCT oil. Healthline.
  2. Non-GMO ingredients: Baking Ingredients. BAKERpedia. (2021, August 24).
  3. Authority, D. H. (n.d.). Dubai Health Authority. DHA.
  4. Barbara Bolen, P. D. (2021, November 11). Why enzymes are an important part of your digestive system. Verywell Health.

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