How do you delete a like on facebook

Causes and companies all over the world use their Facebook business page as a key component of a broader social media marketing strategy. For consumers, liking Facebook pages for causes, bands, or anything else you’re passionate about is an easy and effective way to stay up-to-date on their latest news and events.

How to unlike pages on Facebook:

  1. Open Facebook, log in to your account, and navigate to your profile
  2. Click on the "More" tab and select "Likes" from the drop-down menu
  3. Find the Facebook page you want to unlike
  4. Click the page's drop-down menu that says "Liked" and select "Unlike"

However, liking too many pages will clutter your newsfeed (take it from somebody who knows) and make it harder to keep track of your family, friends, and all of the other updates you actually care about.

TIP: If you don't know where to start, look back at your Activity Log to find pages you engaged with a long time ago and no longer wish to follow.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to unlike pages on Facebook and clean up your newsfeed. There are two separate ways, depending on whether you want to unlike a single page or multiple at a time – we’re covering both!

Let’s get started.

Maybe, you’ve reached Facebook’s limit of 5,000 pages liked and you’re ready to scale back. Maybe, like me, you liked silly pages in the past and you no longer relate. Either way, you’re ready to unlike pages on Facebook and take control of your newsfeed. First, we’ll cover how to unlike multiple pages at once. 

How to unlike multiple pages on Facebook

If you know your feed is too cluttered and you’re ready to do some cleaning, unliking multiple Facebook pages at once is the way to go. This method is easy and efficient.

1. Open the Facebook homepage and log in to your account. When you’re logged in, navigate to your own profile by clicking the small button in the top right corner that has your name and profile picture.

How do you delete a like on facebook

2. Across the top of your profile, you’ll see six tabs: Timeline, About, Friends, Photos, Archive, and More. Click on More. This will open a drop-down menu. From that menu, select “Likes”.

How do you delete a like on facebook

3. Clicking on “Likes” will pull up a page that shows you all of the Facebook pages you’ve liked in the past. You can pull up particular categories of pages you’ve liked by selecting one of the tabs on the top (Movies TV Shows, Music, Books, Sports Teams, Athletes, People, Restaurants, or Apps and Games), or, stay on the All Likes tab to see them all in one place.

How do you delete a like on facebook

4. From here, you can scroll through the Facebook pages you’ve liked and start unliking the pages you no longer want to follow. To do this, find the page you’re looking for, click the drop-down menu that says “Liked,” and select “Unlike.” Easy as that! Repeat this step until you’ve unliked all of the pages you’ve wanted to.

How do you delete a like on facebook

How to unlike a single Facebook page

Say you come across a page in your feed and you realize you’re no longer interested in seeing its constant updates. No problem! Unliking a single Facebook page is simple.

1. First, wait until you come across a page that you want to unlike when scrolling through your Facebook feed. 

How do you delete a like on facebook

2. Hover your mouse over the page name. This will open a pop-up that offers additional information about the page. At the bottom of this popup, there will be two buttons that say “Liked” and “Following”.

How do you delete a like on facebook

3. To unlike the page, click the “Liked” button. You will no longer appear like or follow the page. However, you can also opt to simply unfollow the page, which means you’ll still “like” it, but you won’t receive its updates or posts in your newsfeed.

If your purpose behind unliking pages is that you’re nearing Facebook’s 5,000-page limit, then you’ll most likely want to unlike the page altogether. However, if you just want to declutter your newsfeed, but still remain a fan of the page, unfollowing may be a better option for you!

How do you delete a like on facebook

4. You’ll know that you successfully unliked the Facebook page if the bottom two buttons that said “Liked” and “Following” switch to two buttons that say “Like” and “Follow.” If you see that change, then you were successful!

How do you delete a like on facebook

Continue clearing away clutter on Facebook

Congratulations! You’ve successfully unliked Facebook pages. This will clear away some clutter and make way for all of the Facebook 3D photos of puppies (you know, the content we actually crave).

How do I delete a like and reaction on Facebook?

To change your reaction to a post or comment, tap and hold your current reaction (next to Comment and Share), and then select a new one. To remove your reaction to a post or comment, tap your current reaction. Was this helpful?

How do you delete a reaction on Facebook from someone else?

Click on the three dots next to an entry and select “Remove reaction” from the bottom. The reaction will be removed, and the original poster of the Story won't be able to see it anymore.

What happens if you accidentally like and unlike on Facebook?

If you accidentally like and unlike someone's post on Facebook, chances are they won't know you've done so. Depending on how quickly you unliked, they may not receive a notification on their phone.