What is the cheapest month to rent an apartment

Generally, the best times to find a more affordable apartment in the U.S.’s biggest cities tend to be between December and March with the worst, most expensive rentals found from May through October. This is according to RentHop, which looked at the top 10 most populated U.S. cities to figure out what the best and worst times are to find a rental.

For Washington, D.C., specifically, the best month was December with a median monthly rent of $2,000 for a one-bedroom and $2,400 for a two-bedroom. When it comes to what month to avoid, RentHop found the highest median monthly rent to be in August with $2,065 for one-bedrooms and $2,488 for two-bedrooms.

To come up with this data, RentHop used median prices, calculated using “tight geographic zones” and used fixed weights across these zones over time. Outliers were removed. The data was taken from 2011 through 2017 for the top 10 metro areas in the nation.

For a look at what the best months out of the year are for other U.S. cities, check out RentHop’s full report here.

Image via RentHop
Image via RentHop
Image via RentHop

• Best Time of Year to Rent [RentHop]

What day of week is rent lowest?

3. The day of the week. If you want to rent from the hottest complex in town, be strategic about the day you apply. If you want the best deal, apply for your apartment on Monday or Friday.

What month are most apartments available?

After the peak rental season ends in September, October through March is typically the best time to rent an apartment. Rent prices will be lower—in fact, you. might be able to score a free month's rent in some markets—but you will not have as large a selection as you would during peak rental months.

What month do most leases start?

Apartment leases typically start on the 1st of the month in the U.S.; however, it is not uncommon for a lease to start mid-month (as many landlords will start a lease the moment the previous tenant moves out and the apartment is cleaned and ready for you to take occupancy).

What month do most leases end?

Most leases expire at the end of the month and require notice 30 days before leaving. Start looking around that time, and you'll find apartments right as they're going on the market. If you want to move in December, start looking in the last couple of weeks of November.


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